America's Army and its Part in the Great War


Both, W.C.

Digitales Exemplar des Buchs: "America's Army and its Part in the Great War - copyright by W. C. Both, Chicago." [o.J.] "his 36-page booklet contains: Notable Days in the War's History: 1914 - 1918; Chateau Thierry; St. Mihiel; The Argonne; Gen. Pershing's Report; The Price of World Peace; Personal Record; Overseas Service; The Race with the Hun; Map: France, where the Hun Menace was curbed and the war for World-Peace won; Map: Western Front, from Soissons to the English Channel; Map: Chateau Thierry, and from the Marne to the Vesle; Map: How the Yanks Smashed in the St. Mihiel Salient; Map: Through the Argonne Forest to Sedan; Map: Occupied Germany; Data Of Divisions."
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Thomas Meyer
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