Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" ist eine auf Rezensionen für die Geschichtswissenschaften fokussierte Suchmaschine, mit der Buchsprechungen aus Zeitschriften im Volltext durchsucht werden können. Sie berücksichtigt neuere fachwissenschaftliche Besprechungen, die im Web veröffentlicht wurden und ohne Zugangsbeschränkungen im Volltext zur Verfügung stehen.

Stand: 06.09.2021

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  • Family newspapers?. sex, private life, and the British popular press ; 1918 - 1978
    Bingham, Adrian: Family newspapers?. sex, private life, and the British popular press ; 1918 - 1978 (2009)
    Rezension Frank Bösch in: sehepunkte
  • Soviet veterans of the Second World War. a popular movement in an authoritarian society ; 1941 - 1991
    Edele, Mark: Soviet veterans of the Second World War. a popular movement in an authoritarian society ; 1941 - 1991 (2008)
    Rezension Carmen Scheide in: Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas (JBfGOE)
  • Jews and the sporting life
    Mendelsohn, Ezra (Hrsg.): Jews and the sporting life (2008)
    Rezension Jens Elberfeld in: H-Soz-u-Kult
  • The Demands of Reason. an Essay on Pyrrhonian Scepticism
    Perin, Casey: The Demands of Reason. an Essay on Pyrrhonian Scepticism (2010)
    Rezension Eleni Kaklamanou in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • We have no king but Christ. christian political thougth in greater Syria on the eve of the Arab conquest ( c. 400 - 585)
    Wood, Philip: We have no king but Christ. christian political thougth in greater Syria on the eve of the Arab conquest ( c. 400 - 585) (2010)
    Rezension Geoffrey Greatrex in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • The Oxford handbook of the Bronze age Aegean (ca. 3000 - 1000 BC)
    Cline, Eric H. (Hrsg.): The Oxford handbook of the Bronze age Aegean (ca. 3000 - 1000 BC) (2010)
    Rezension Gert Jan van Wijngaarden in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • The Oxford handbook of Roman studies
    Barchiesi, Alessandro; Scheidel, Walter (Hrsg.): The Oxford handbook of Roman studies (2010)
    Rezension Angela Kühr in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • After the fall. German policy in occupied France, 1940 - 1944
    Laub, Thomas Johnston: After the fall. German policy in occupied France, 1940 - 1944 (2010)
    Rezension Christian Hartmann in: sehepunkte
  • A Jesuit in the forbidden city. Matteo Ricci ; 1552 - 1610
    Hsia, Ronnie Po-chia: A Jesuit in the forbidden city. Matteo Ricci ; 1552 - 1610 (2010)
    Rezension Christoph Nebgen in: H-Soz-u-Kult
  • The birth of modern politics. Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, and the election of 1828
    Parsons, Lynn H.: The birth of modern politics. Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, and the election of 1828 (2009)
    Rezension Douglas R. Egerton in: H-Net Reviews
  • The lands between. conflict in the East European borderlands, 1870 - 1992
    Prusin, Alexander Victor: The lands between. conflict in the East European borderlands, 1870 - 1992 (2010)
    Rezension Theodore R. Weeks in: H-Net Reviews
  • Performing pasts. reinventing the arts in modern South India
    Peterson, Indira Viswanathan; Soneji, Devesh (Hrsg.): Performing pasts. reinventing the arts in modern South India (2008)
    Rezension Archana Venkatesan in: H-Net Reviews
  • Foreign cults in Rome. creating a Roman Empire
    Orlin, Eric M.: Foreign cults in Rome. creating a Roman Empire (2010)
    Rezension Laurent Bricault in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • The Ottoman age of exploration
    Casale, Giancarlo: The Ottoman age of exploration (2010)
    Rezension Thomas Philipp in: H-Soz-u-Kult
  • Hitler's first war. Adolf Hitler, the men of the List Regiment, and the First World War
    Weber, Thomas: Hitler's first war. Adolf Hitler, the men of the List Regiment, and the First World War (2010)
    Rezension Othmar Plöckinger in: sehepunkte
  • A commentary on Thucydides. Books 5.25 - 8.109
    Hornblower, Simon: A commentary on Thucydides. Books 5.25 - 8.109 (2008)
    Rezension Mischa Meier in: sehepunkte
  • From Asculum to Actium. the municipalization of Italy from the Social War to Augustus
    Bispham, Edward: From Asculum to Actium. the municipalization of Italy from the Social War to Augustus (2007)
    Rezension Iris Samotta in: sehepunkte
  • Popular opinion in totalitarian regimes. fascism, nazism, communism
    Corner, Paul (Hrsg.): Popular opinion in totalitarian regimes. fascism, nazism, communism (2009)
    Rezension Jost Dülffer in: Francia-Recensio
  • Citizens of discord. Rome and its civil wars
    Breed, Brian W. (Hrsg.): Citizens of discord. Rome and its civil wars (2010)
    Rezension Charles McNelis and Josiah Osgood in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Exemplary epic. Silius Italicus' Punica
    Tipping, Ben: Exemplary epic. Silius Italicus' Punica (2010)
    Rezension John Jacobs in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
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