Theodore Roosevelt: His Life and Times on Film

This presentation features 104 films which record events in Roosevelt's life from the Spanish-American War in 1898 to his death in 1919; 8 of these films have previously appeared in other American Memory presentations. [...] Besides containing scenes of Roosevelt, these films include views of world figures, politicians, monarchs, and friends and family members of Roosevelt who influenced his life and the era in which he lived. Commemorative events up to 1921 are also included as well as silent documentaries compiled from earlier footage by the Theodore Roosevelt Association between 1919 and 1928. Four sound recordings made by Roosevelt for the Edison Company in 1912 in which he states his progressive political views are also included. The films are available in MPEG, Quick Time, and RealMedia formats.
Hosting / Distributor

Library of Congress: Washington, US (DC) <>



United States

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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