International Exhibitions, Expositions Universelles and World's Fairs, 1851-1951: A Bibliography


Geppert, Alexander C.T. / Coffey, Jean / Lau, Tammy

" This bibliography grew out of the recognition that research on the history of international exhibitions and world's fairs is burgeoning and that sources on the topic have proliferated enormously in recent years. As a consequence, the field has grown tremendously and now involves disciplines as diverse as History, Cultural Geography, Urban Studies, Art History and the History of Architecture, among others. This development, however, has made it increasingly difficult to find appropriate research sources. It is hoped that this bibliography will aid in that process."
Hosting / Distributor

Lehrstuhl Theorie der Architektur - Brandenburgische Technische Universität: Cottbus, DE <>





Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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