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On 1 March 1997 it changed its name to the Centre for Historical Research and Documentation on War and Contemporary Society, a change of name which derives from the wish to approach the history of the twentieth century as a whole (and more specifically the period 1914-1960)." 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Ceges/Soma - Centre for Historical Research and Documentation on War and Contemporary Society



Square de l'Aviation 29
02 / 556 92 11
02 / 556 92 00


Director: Gotovitch José


The CEGES/SOMA was founded in 1969 as the Centre for Research and Studies on the History of the Second World War, attached to the State Archives and under the direction of the Ministry of Education. On 1 March 1997 it changed its name to the Centre for Historical Research and Documentation on War and Contemporary Society, a change of name which derives from the wish to approach the history of the twentieth century as a whole (and more specifically the period 1914-1960).

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