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The Centre was re-organised in 2009 and re-named ANU Centre for European Studies. The Centre is one of three EU Centres in Australia, with which it collaborates. Four ANU Colleges support and participate in the Centre: ANU College of Law, ANU College of Business and Economics, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, and ANU College of Asia and the Pacific." 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The National Europe Centre - Australia



1 Liversidge Street (Building 67C)
Australian National University (ANU)
+61 2 61259896
+61 2 61259976


Leitung: Jacqueline Lo


The Centenary of Federation in Australia in 2001 provided an opportunity for the European Commission to join with The Australian National University (ANU) to establish the National Europe Centre in the Australian Capital Territory as a commemorative contribution from the peoples of the European Union (EU) to the people of Australia. The Centre was re-organised in 2009 and re-named ANU Centre for European Studies. The Centre is one of three EU Centres in Australia, with which it collaborates. Four ANU Colleges support and participate in the Centre: ANU College of Law, ANU College of Business and Economics, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, and ANU College of Asia and the Pacific.

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