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It is one of the world's largest documentary (archives & library) and research institutions in the field of social history in general and the history of the labour movement in particular. Most of the collections are open to the public." ["clio:corpPublications"]=> string(245) "The International Review of Social History is published for the IISH by Cambridge University Press. The Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis is published by Amsterdam University Press (AUP). See " ["clio:corpOrganisation"]=> string(0) "" ["clio:corpResearch"]=> string(162) "IISH research focuses on the transnational and transcontinental study of labour, labour relations and workers' social movements in the broadest sense of the word." 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International Institute of Social History



1019 AT
Cruquiusweg 31
+31 20 6685866
+ 31 20 6654181


Jenneke Quast


General Director - Erik-Jan Zürcher
Director of Collections & Digital Infrastructure - Titia van der Werf-Davelaar
Director of Research - Marcel van der Linden


The International Institute of Social History (IISH) was founded in 1935. It is one of the world's largest documentary (archives & library) and research institutions in the field of social history in general and the history of the labour movement in particular. Most of the collections are open to the public.


The International Review of Social History is published for the IISH by Cambridge University Press. The Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis is published by Amsterdam University Press (AUP). See


IISH research focuses on the transnational and transcontinental study of labour, labour relations and workers' social movements in the broadest sense of the word.

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