PhD student / researcher
Faculty of Philosophy
University of Bucharest
060024 Bucharest
Socioeconomic Marginality and the Concept of Structural Violence from the Perspective of the Theory of Cultural Hegemony
2017 – Review of the book "Étudier à l’Est. Expériences de diplômés africains", edited by Monique de Saint Martin, Grazia Scarfò Ghellab, Kamal Mellakh, Paris: Karthala, 2015, in Psihologia socială, Vol. II, No. 40, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași, Polirom Press.
2016 – "The Typologies of Structural Violence and their Connection to Socio-Economic Marginality", in Yearbook of the "George Barițiu" Institute of History of Cluj-Napoca – Series Humanistica, Vol. XIV, the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy.
2015 – "Theoretical and Historical Aspects on the Problem of Socio-Economic Marginality", in the Annals of the University of Bucharest – Philosophy Series, Vol. LXIV, No. 1, University of Bucharest Press.
2012 – "Pier Paolo Pasolini, Accattone, and the Condition of the Underclass. Heretical Semiotics as a Method of Overcoming Dialectical Materialism”, in the International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. V, No. 1, Spring–Summer, Cluj University Press.