The Virtual Gramophone - The First World War Era

Enthalten in
The Virtual Gramophone. Canadian Historical Sound Recordings <>

Nygaard King, Betty / Thérien, Robert

National Library of Canada - Music Division (RIS)

"Visitors to the Virtual Gramophone Web site can consult 1500 cataloguing records in the database, and 350 digitally-restored audio recordings, documenting recordings featuring Canadian composers and performers released during the Great War. In addition there are a series of articles and images explaining the period and the music, as well as biographical sketches of the major Canadian musical personalities. Of particular note is the extensive coverage for Canada's premier entertainment troupe of that era, the Dumbells."
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Technische Bereitstellung

National Library of Canada: Ottawa, CA <> <>


Englisch, Französisch



Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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