H-Mediterranean [Modern and Contemporary Mediterranean History] Discussion Network


H-Mediterranean Editors

"The aim of H-Mediterranean is to provide researchers with information on publications and congresses regarding the history of the Mediterranean. The discussion list aims at becoming a space for debate between researchers coming from different academic fields. Instead of only promoting discussions about each single country, or only discussing the concept of Mediterranean history, the aim is to facilitate circulation and confrontation of ideas, methods, and theories. The other purpose of H-Mediterranean is to present book reviews on Mediterranean history and bibliography, in order to promote a trans-Mediterranean circulation of information. Focus is put on recent bibliography in English, French, Italian, Arabic, Turk, Spanish and Greek about the history of the Mediterranean and Mediterranean countries. H-Mediterranean aims at promoting academic discussion between scholars of various parts of the region as a scientific method. The site consists of reviews, a discussion list, information pages about publications, calls for papers, and conferences, as well as links with the major academic institutions in the Mediterranean region."
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

Michigan State University: East Lansing, US (MI) <http://www.msu.edu/>




United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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