The American Missionary Association and the Promise of a Multicultural America: 1839-1954 ...using fragments of the past to influence and shape the future

The American Missionary Association and the Promise of a Multicultural America: 1839 – 1954 is a digital photo archives of more than 5000 photographs of the activities of and related to the American Missionary Association. Photographers working with the American Missionary Association traveled through urban and rural communities within the continental United States of America, as well as across oceans to other lands, and visually recorded the foreign environments and people who lived within them. The photographs document the experiences and lives of various ethnic groups of the world. They provide visual support to the textual documents of the American Missionary Association archives, housed at the Amistad Research Center. [self-description]
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

Tulane University: New Orleans, US (LA) <>



United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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