Civil Rights Oral History Interviews

While there are numerous civil rights oral history projects, there are few organized around the remembrances and memories of persons from a particular geographic locale. This collection of eight oral history interviews, conducted by Rebecca Nappi, was created in part by the Washington State University Library in collaboration with the Spokane Spokesman-Review. Visitors to the site can listen to the eight interviews, which range from the experiences of Flip Schulke (a photographer working in the South during the 1960s) to the racial prejudice encountered by Emelda and Manuel Brown as they tried to raise a family in Spokane. In order to hone in on specific subject areas, a search engine allows users to search the interviews by keyword. This site will be of great interest to those interested in the history of civil rights in the United States, especially given the ability to hear the voices of those who were there during this tumultuous era. (Copyright Internet Scout Project, 1994-2003.
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Technische Bereitstellung

WSU Libraries - Washington State University: Pullman, US (WA) <>



United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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