AGB - § 15 Subject to change
(1) These GTC are available on the Internet at any time in the central specialist portal at and can be printed out.
(2) Clio-online reserves the right to amend these GTC at any time, even without informing all Users individually. However, changes to the GTC will be generally announced for a period of one month at the address of the central subject portal,, stating the reasons.
(3) With the notification of the change, Clio-online grants its Users a period of one month to expressly object to the changed GTC in writing. If the User does not object within the set period, this shall be deemed to be consent to the amendment of the GTC. With the consent to the amended GTC, these become part of the contract between Clio-online and the respective User. The one-month period begins with the first announcement of the change notice at the address of the central specialized portal It is the User's responsibility to inform himself/herself about changes to the GTC by regularly visiting the main page of Clio-online.
(4) Registered subscribers to the specialist forums will be notified individually of the changes to the GTC. § Section 15 para. 3 pp. 1–3 shall apply accordingly. The one-month period shall commence on the date of notification of the change to the subscriber. It is the User's responsibility to ensure deliverability to the deposited address.
Berlin, January 10, 2020