Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Dispute for the sake of heaven. legal pluralism in the Talmud
    Hidary, Richard: Dispute for the sake of heaven. legal pluralism in the Talmud (2010)
    Review David Levine in: H-Net Reviews
  • Lowcountry time and tide. the fall of the South Carolina rice kingdom
    Tuten, James H.: Lowcountry time and tide. the fall of the South Carolina rice kingdom (2010)
    Review Lisa L. Denmark in: H-Net Reviews
  • practice of school reform
    Nehring, James.: practice of school reform (2009)
    Review Shina Olayiwola in: H-Net Reviews
  • practice of school reform
    Nehring, James.: practice of school reform (2009)
    Review Shina Olayiwola in: H-Net Reviews
  • Conservation song. a history of peasant-state relations and the environment in Malawi, 1860 - 2000
    Mulwafu, Wapulumuka Oliver: Conservation song. a history of peasant-state relations and the environment in Malawi, 1860 - 2000 (2011)
    Review Angela Thompsell in: H-Net Reviews
  • Women, education, and agency, 1600 - 2000
    Spence, Jean; Aiston, Sarah Jane; Meikle, Maureen M. (Hrsg.): Women, education, and agency, 1600 - 2000 (2010)
    Review Liberty Sproat in: H-Net Reviews
  • Perversion for profit. the politics of pornography and the rise of the New Right
    Strub, Whitney: Perversion for profit. the politics of pornography and the rise of the New Right (2011)
    Review Patrick Glen in: H-Net Reviews
  • Perversion for profit. the politics of pornography and the rise of the New Right
    Strub, Whitney: Perversion for profit. the politics of pornography and the rise of the New Right (2011)
    Review Patrick Glen in: H-Net Reviews
  • Beaver Street: A History of Modern Pornography
    Rosen; Robert Rosen: Beaver Street: A History of Modern Pornography (2011)
    Review Patrick Glen in: H-Net Reviews
  • Weimar through the lens of gender. prostitution reform, woman's emancipation, and German democracy, 1919 - 33
    Roos, Julia: Weimar through the lens of gender. prostitution reform, woman's emancipation, and German democracy, 1919 - 33 (2010)
    Review Katie Sutton in: H-Net Reviews
  • Bob Drinan. the controversial life of the first Catholic priest elected to Congress
    Schroth, Raymond A.: Bob Drinan. the controversial life of the first Catholic priest elected to Congress (2011)
    Review Dianne Kirby in: H-Net Reviews
  • The KGB campaign against corruption in Moscow
    Duhamel, Luc: The KGB campaign against corruption in Moscow (2010)
    Review Barbara A. Chotiner in: H-Net Reviews
  • From the shadow of empire. defining the Russian nation through cultural mythology, 1855-1870
    Maĭorova, O. E.: From the shadow of empire. defining the Russian nation through cultural mythology, 1855-1870 (2010)
    Review Susan P. McCaffray in: H-Net Reviews
  • Our friend "the enemy". elite education in Britain and Germany before World War I
    Weber, Thomas: Our friend "the enemy". elite education in Britain and Germany before World War I (2008)
    Review Amy M. Harris in: H-Net Reviews
  • Ulster liberalism, 1778 - 1876. the middle path
    Hall, Gerald: Ulster liberalism, 1778 - 1876. the middle path (2011)
    Review Douglas Kanter in: H-Net Reviews
  • Lenin's Jewish question
    Petrovsky-Shtern, Yohanan: Lenin's Jewish question (2010)
    Review Jarrod Tanny in: H-Net Reviews
  • Writing the black revolutionary diva. women's subjectivity and the decolonizing text
    Brown, Kimberly Nichele: Writing the black revolutionary diva. women's subjectivity and the decolonizing text (2010)
    Review Ashley Farmer in: H-Net Reviews
  • Writing the black revolutionary diva. women's subjectivity and the decolonizing text
    Brown, Kimberly Nichele: Writing the black revolutionary diva. women's subjectivity and the decolonizing text (2010)
    Review Ashley Farmer in: H-Net Reviews
  • Crafting jewishness in medieval England. legally absent, virtually present
    Krummel, Miriamne Ara: Crafting jewishness in medieval England. legally absent, virtually present (2011)
    Review Charlotte Newman Goldy in: H-Net Reviews
  • Suspended animation. children's picture books and the fairy tale of modernity
    Op de Beeck, Nathalie: Suspended animation. children's picture books and the fairy tale of modernity (2010)
    Review Joseph Zornado in: H-Net Reviews
Page 420 (29005 Results)
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