Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • A new nation of goods. the material culture of early America
    Jaffee, David: A new nation of goods. the material culture of early America (2010)
    Review Joanna Cohen in: H-Net Reviews
  • bard of Wolfe's army
    McCulloch, Ian M.; Chapman, Earl John.; David M. Stewart Museum; 78th Fraser Highlanders: bard of Wolfe's army (2010)
    Review Timothy Compeau in: H-Net Reviews
  • A Bard of Wolfe's Army: James Thompson, Gentleman Volunteer, 1733-1830 (Military History)
    A Bard of Wolfe's Army: James Thompson, Gentleman Volunteer, 1733-1830 (Military History) (2010)
    Review Timothy Compeau in: H-Net Reviews
  • German city, Jewish memory. the story of Worms
    Roemer, Nils H.: German city, Jewish memory. the story of Worms (2010)
    Review Michael Brenner in: H-Net Reviews
  • After the Nazi racial state. difference and democracy in Germany and Europe
    Chin, Rita C-K, (Hrsg.): After the Nazi racial state. difference and democracy in Germany and Europe (2009)
    Review Daniel Levy in: H-Net Reviews
  • After the Nazi racial state. difference and democracy in Germany and Europe
    Chin, Rita C-K, (Hrsg.): After the Nazi racial state. difference and democracy in Germany and Europe (2009)
    Review Daniel Levy in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Third Reich in the ivory tower. complicity and conflict on American campuses
    Norwood, Stephen Harlan: The Third Reich in the ivory tower. complicity and conflict on American campuses (2009)
    Review Steven Remy in: H-Net Reviews
  • Promise and peril. America at the dawn of a global age
    Nichols, Christopher McKnight: Promise and peril. America at the dawn of a global age (2011)
    Review Justus Doenecke in: H-Net Reviews
  • Modernism, magazines, and the British avant-garde ; [reading rhythm, 1910 - 1914]
    Binckes, Faith: Modernism, magazines, and the British avant-garde ; [reading rhythm, 1910 - 1914] (2010)
    Review Nick Nuttall in: H-Net Reviews
  • Double exile. migrations of Jewish-Hungarian professionals through Germany to the United States, 1919 - 1945
    Frank, Tibor: Double exile. migrations of Jewish-Hungarian professionals through Germany to the United States, 1919 - 1945 (2009)
    Review Guy Miron in: H-Net Reviews
  • Die Körper einer Regentin. Amelia Elisabeth von Hessen-Kassel (1602 - 1651)
    Buckreus, Simone: Die Körper einer Regentin. Amelia Elisabeth von Hessen-Kassel (1602 - 1651) (2008)
    Review Tryntje Helfferich in: H-Net Reviews
  • Denis Williams: a life in works. new and collected essays
    Williams, Charlotte; Williams, Evelyn A.; Dabydeen, David (Hrsg.): Denis Williams: a life in works. new and collected essays (2010)
    Review dele jegede in: H-Net Reviews
  • Britain, Ireland and the Second World War
    Wood, Ian S.: Britain, Ireland and the Second World War (2010)
    Review Daniel C. Williamson in: H-Net Reviews
  • The 1926 miners' lockout. meanings of community in the Durham coalfield
    Barron, Hester: The 1926 miners' lockout. meanings of community in the Durham coalfield (2010)
    Review Matt Perry in: H-Net Reviews
  • Heart of Buddha, heart of China. the life of Tanxu, a twentieth-century monk
    Carter, James Hugh: Heart of Buddha, heart of China. the life of Tanxu, a twentieth-century monk (2011)
    Review Justin Ritzinger in: H-Net Reviews
  • Dogon Images & Traditions
    Huib Blom: Dogon Images & Traditions (2010)
    Review Pascal James Imperato in: H-Net Reviews
  • Freedwomen and the Freedmen's Bureau. race, gender, and public policy in the age of emancipation
    Farmer-Kaiser, Mary: Freedwomen and the Freedmen's Bureau. race, gender, and public policy in the age of emancipation (2010)
    Review Miranda Fraley in: H-Net Reviews
  • Freedwomen and the Freedmen's Bureau. race, gender, and public policy in the age of emancipation
    Farmer-Kaiser, Mary: Freedwomen and the Freedmen's Bureau. race, gender, and public policy in the age of emancipation (2010)
    Review Miranda Fraley in: H-Net Reviews
  • Empire Jews. Jewish nationalism and acculturation in 19th- and early 20th-century Russia
    Horowitz, Brian: Empire Jews. Jewish nationalism and acculturation in 19th- and early 20th-century Russia (2009)
    Review David Shneer in: H-Net Reviews
  • Political manhood. red bloods, mollycoddles, and the politics of progressive era reform
    Murphy, Kevin P.: Political manhood. red bloods, mollycoddles, and the politics of progressive era reform (2010)
    Review Thomas A. Foster in: H-Net Reviews
Page 442 (29005 Results)
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