Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Architecture and memory. the Renaissance studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
    Kirkbride, Robert: Architecture and memory. the Renaissance studioli of Federico da Montefeltro (2008)
    Review Saundra Weddle in: H-Net Reviews
  • Predatory states. Operation Condor and covert war in Latin America
    McSherry, J. Patrice: Predatory states. Operation Condor and covert war in Latin America (2005)
    Review Dustin Walcher in: H-Net Reviews
  • Combat correspondents. the Baltimore Sun in World War II
    Sterne, Joseph Robert Livingston: Combat correspondents. the Baltimore Sun in World War II (2009)
    Review Stacy Spaulding in: H-Net Reviews
  • Kampf für die Einheit. das gesamtdeutsche Ministerium und die politische Kultur des Kalten Krieges 1949 - 1969
    Creuzberger, Stefan: Kampf für die Einheit. das gesamtdeutsche Ministerium und die politische Kultur des Kalten Krieges 1949 - 1969 (2008)
    Review Jost Dülffer in: H-Net Reviews
  • filhos de Africa em Portugal
    Gusmão, Neusa Maria Mendes de.: filhos de Africa em Portugal (2004)
    Review Marzia Grassi in: H-Net Reviews
  • Is diss a system?. a Milt Gross comic reader
    Gross, Milt: Is diss a system?. a Milt Gross comic reader (2010)
    Review Frederic J. Krome in: H-Net Reviews
  • The economy of Renaissance Florence
    Goldthwaite, Richard A.: The economy of Renaissance Florence (2009)
    Review Nicola Jones in: H-Net Reviews
  • Baring the iron hand. discipline in the Union Army
    Ramold, Steven J.: Baring the iron hand. discipline in the Union Army (2010)
    Review Lorien Foote in: H-Net Reviews
  • Africa after gender?
    Cole, Catherine M.; Manuh, Takyiwaa; Miescher, Stephan (Hrsg.): Africa after gender? (2007)
    Review Jacqueline-Bethel T. Mougoué in: H-Net Reviews
  • Die Verwandlung der Welt. eine Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts
    Osterhammel, Jürgen: Die Verwandlung der Welt. eine Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts (2010)
    Review Jonathan Sperber in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Portuguese revolution. state and class in the transition to democracy
    Chilcote, Ronald H.: The Portuguese revolution. state and class in the transition to democracy (2010)
    Review Rosemary Elizabeth Galli in: H-Net Reviews
  • Africa's freedom railway. how a Chinese development project changed lives and livelihoods in Tanzania
    Monson, Jamie: Africa's freedom railway. how a Chinese development project changed lives and livelihoods in Tanzania (2009)
    Review Leander Schneider in: H-Net Reviews
  • American culture in the 1960s
    Monteith, Sharon: American culture in the 1960s (2008)
    Review Matthew Shannon in: H-Net Reviews
  • American culture in the 1960s
    Monteith, Sharon: American culture in the 1960s (2008)
    Review Matthew Shannon in: H-Net Reviews
  • Liberalism, Black power, and the making of American politics, 1965 - 1980
    Fergus, Devin: Liberalism, Black power, and the making of American politics, 1965 - 1980 (2009)
    Review Angela Ryan in: H-Net Reviews
  • Liberalism, Black power, and the making of American politics, 1965 - 1980
    Fergus, Devin: Liberalism, Black power, and the making of American politics, 1965 - 1980 (2009)
    Review Angela Ryan in: H-Net Reviews
  • Law's imagined republic. popular politics and criminal justice in revolutionary America
    Wilf, Steven Robert: Law's imagined republic. popular politics and criminal justice in revolutionary America (2010)
    Review Peter Hoffer in: H-Net Reviews
  • City of God. Christian citizenship in postwar Guatemala
    O'Neill, Kevin Lewis: City of God. Christian citizenship in postwar Guatemala (2010)
    Review Timothy J. Steigenga in: H-Net Reviews
  • Terror in the land of the Holy Spirit. Guatemala under General Efraín Ríos Montt, 1982 - 1983
    Garrard-Burnett, Virginia: Terror in the land of the Holy Spirit. Guatemala under General Efraín Ríos Montt, 1982 - 1983 (2010)
    Review Timothy J. Steigenga in: H-Net Reviews
  • Making Ireland Roman. Irish Neo-Latin writers and the republic of letters
    Harris, Jason; Sidwell, Keith C. (Hrsg.): Making Ireland Roman. Irish Neo-Latin writers and the republic of letters (2009)
    Review Valerie McGowan-Doyle in: H-Net Reviews
Page 465 (29005 Results)
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