Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • The caning of Charles Sumner. honor, idealism, and the origins of the Civil War
    Hoffer, Williamjames Hull: The caning of Charles Sumner. honor, idealism, and the origins of the Civil War (2010)
    Review Martin Hardeman in: H-Net Reviews
  • The caning of Charles Sumner. honor, idealism, and the origins of the Civil War
    Hoffer, Williamjames Hull: The caning of Charles Sumner. honor, idealism, and the origins of the Civil War (2010)
    Review Martin Hardeman in: H-Net Reviews
  • Water and the West: The Colorado River Compact and the Politics of Water in the American West
    Norris, Jr. Hundley: Water and the West: The Colorado River Compact and the Politics of Water in the American West (2009)
    Review Jason Robison in: H-Net Reviews
  • Water and the West: The Colorado River Compact and the Politics of Water in the American West
    Norris Hundley Jr: Water and the West: The Colorado River Compact and the Politics of Water in the American West (2009)
    Review Jason Robison in: H-Net Reviews
  • Akten deutscher Bischöfe über die Lage der Kirche 1933 - 1945. 1935 - 1936
    Stasiewski, Bernhard: Akten deutscher Bischöfe über die Lage der Kirche 1933 - 1945. 1935 - 1936 (1979)
    Review Kevin P. Spicer, C.S.C. in: H-Net Reviews
  • Corregidor in peace and war
    Hubbard, Charles M.: Corregidor in peace and war (2006)
    Review Michiel Baud in: H-Net Reviews
  • West Pointers and the Civil War. the old army in war and peace
    Hsieh, Wayne Wei-siang: West Pointers and the Civil War. the old army in war and peace (2009)
    Review Charles R. Bowery in: H-Net Reviews
  • Dutch New York. the roots of Hudson Valley culture
    Panetta, Roger G. (Hrsg.): Dutch New York. the roots of Hudson Valley culture (2009)
    Review Mark Meuwese in: H-Net Reviews
  • Dutch New York. the roots of Hudson Valley culture
    Panetta, Roger G. (Hrsg.): Dutch New York. the roots of Hudson Valley culture (2009)
    Review Mark Meuwese in: H-Net Reviews
  • The colony of New Netherland. a Dutch settlement in seventeenth-century America
    Jacobs, Jaap: The colony of New Netherland. a Dutch settlement in seventeenth-century America (2009)
    Review Mark Meuwese in: H-Net Reviews
  • Mohawk frontier
    Burke, Thomas E.: Mohawk frontier (2009)
    Review Mark Meuwese in: H-Net Reviews
  • The people and their peace. legal culture and the transformation of inequality in the post-revolutionary south
    Edwards, Laura F.: The people and their peace. legal culture and the transformation of inequality in the post-revolutionary south (2009)
    Review John Ross in: H-Net Reviews
  • Asylum. inside the closed world of state mental hospitals
    Payne, Christopher: Asylum. inside the closed world of state mental hospitals (2009)
    Review Beth Handler in: H-Net Reviews
  • Africa writes back to self. metafiction, gender, sexuality
    Mwangi, Evan: Africa writes back to self. metafiction, gender, sexuality (2009)
    Review Adeline Koh in: H-Net Reviews
  • Middlebrow literature and the making of German-Jewish identity
    Hess, Jonathan M.: Middlebrow literature and the making of German-Jewish identity (2010)
    Review Ritchie Robertson in: H-Net Reviews
  • Louisiana women. their lives and times
    Allured, Janet; Gentry, Judith F. (Hrsg.): Louisiana women. their lives and times (2009)
    Review Sara B. Sundberg in: H-Net Reviews
  • Louisiana women. their lives and times
    Allured, Janet; Gentry, Judith F. (Hrsg.): Louisiana women. their lives and times (2009)
    Review Sara B. Sundberg in: H-Net Reviews
  • Contemporary Arab thought. cultural critique in comparative perspective
    Kassab, Elizabeth Suzanne: Contemporary Arab thought. cultural critique in comparative perspective (2010)
    Review Yoav Di-Capua in: H-Net Reviews
  • Contemporary Arab thought. cultural critique in comparative perspective
    Kassab, Elizabeth Suzanne: Contemporary Arab thought. cultural critique in comparative perspective (2010)
    Review Yoav Di-Capua in: H-Net Reviews
  • Want to start a revolution?. radical women in the Black freedom struggle
    Gore, Dayo F.; Theoharis, Jeanne; Woodard, Komozi (Hrsg.): Want to start a revolution?. radical women in the Black freedom struggle (2009)
    Review Antonio Lopez in: H-Net Reviews
Page 481 (29005 Results)
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