Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Women military pilots of World War II. a history with biographies of American, British, Russian, and German aviators
    Merry, Lois K.: Women military pilots of World War II. a history with biographies of American, British, Russian, and German aviators (2011)
    Review Therese Strohmer in: H-Net Reviews
  • New essays in American Jewish history. commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the American Jewish Archives
    New essays in American Jewish history. commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the American Jewish Archives (2010)
    Review Lee Shai Weissbach in: H-Net Reviews
  • Dietrich icon
    Gemünden, Gerd; Desjardins, Mary R. (Hrsg.): Dietrich icon (2007)
    Review A. Hunter Bivens in: H-Net Reviews
  • Dietrich icon
    Gemünden, Gerd; Desjardins, Mary R. (Hrsg.): Dietrich icon (2007)
    Review A. Hunter Bivens in: H-Net Reviews
  • Voices from the Vietnam War. stories from American, Asian, and Russian veterans
    Li, Xiaobing: Voices from the Vietnam War. stories from American, Asian, and Russian veterans (2010)
    Review Andreas Hilger in: H-Net Reviews
  • The foundations of the British Labour Party. identities, cultures and perspectives, 1900 - 39
    Worley, Matthew (Hrsg.): The foundations of the British Labour Party. identities, cultures and perspectives, 1900 - 39 (2009)
    Review Jerry Brookshire in: H-Net Reviews
  • Insiders and outsiders. dilemmas of East European Jewry
    Cohen, Richard I.; Frankel, Jonathan; Hoffman, Stefani (Hrsg.): Insiders and outsiders. dilemmas of East European Jewry (2010)
    Review Piotr Wróbel in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Spanish frontier in North America
    Weber, David J.: The Spanish frontier in North America (2009)
    Review F. Evan Nooe in: H-Net Reviews
  • The just city
    Fainstein, Susan S.: The just city (2010)
    Review Don Mitchell in: H-Net Reviews
  • The exorbitant. Emmanuel Levinas between Jews and Christians
    Hart, Kevin; Signer, Michael Alan (Hrsg.): The exorbitant. Emmanuel Levinas between Jews and Christians (2010)
    Review Marc Lalonde in: H-Net Reviews
  • The exorbitant. Emmanuel Levinas between Jews and Christians
    Hart, Kevin; Signer, Michael Alan (Hrsg.): The exorbitant. Emmanuel Levinas between Jews and Christians (2010)
    Review Marc Lalonde in: H-Net Reviews
  • Brokering belonging. Chinese in Canada's exclusion era, 1885-1945
    Mar, Lisa Rose: Brokering belonging. Chinese in Canada's exclusion era, 1885-1945 (2010)
    Review Laura Madokoro in: H-Net Reviews
  • Brokering belonging. Chinese in Canada's exclusion era, 1885-1945
    Mar, Lisa Rose: Brokering belonging. Chinese in Canada's exclusion era, 1885-1945 (2010)
    Review Laura Madokoro in: H-Net Reviews
  • The American war in contemporary Vietnam. transnational remembrance and representation
    Schwenkel, Christina: The American war in contemporary Vietnam. transnational remembrance and representation (2009)
    Review David Kieran in: H-Net Reviews
  • The American war in contemporary Vietnam. transnational remembrance and representation
    Schwenkel, Christina: The American war in contemporary Vietnam. transnational remembrance and representation (2009)
    Review David Kieran in: H-Net Reviews
  • Letters and writings from prison
    Putz, Erna.; Krieg, Robert Anthony: Letters and writings from prison (2009)
    Review Beth A. Griech-Polelle in: H-Net Reviews
  • The wandering heretics of Languedoc
    Bruschi, Caterina: The wandering heretics of Languedoc (2009)
    Review Phillip Haberkern in: H-Net Reviews
  • Intrepid women. cantinières and vivandières of the French army
    Cardoza, Thomas: Intrepid women. cantinières and vivandières of the French army (2010)
    Review Jasmin L. Johnson in: H-Net Reviews
  • Attending madness. at work in the Australian colonial asylum
    Monk, Lee-Ann: Attending madness. at work in the Australian colonial asylum (2008)
    Review Michael L. Dorn in: H-Net Reviews
  • Creating the college man. American mass magazines and middle-class manhood, 1890 - 1915
    Clark, Daniel Andrew: Creating the college man. American mass magazines and middle-class manhood, 1890 - 1915 (2010)
    Review Rick Popp in: H-Net Reviews
Page 503 (29005 Results)
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