Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • "Tod den Spionen!". Todesurteile sowjetischer Gerichte in der SBZ/DDR und in der Sowjetunion bis 1953
    Hilger, Andreas (Hrsg.): "Tod den Spionen!". Todesurteile sowjetischer Gerichte in der SBZ/DDR und in der Sowjetunion bis 1953 (2006)
    Review Rosa Magnusdottir in: H-Net Reviews
  • Consequences of compassion. an interpretation and defense of Buddhist ethics
    Goodman, Charles: Consequences of compassion. an interpretation and defense of Buddhist ethics (2009)
    Review Karin Meyers in: H-Net Reviews
  • Hannah Arendt and the challenge of modernity. a phenomenology of human rights
    Parekh, Serena: Hannah Arendt and the challenge of modernity. a phenomenology of human rights (2008)
    Review Deniz Ferhatoglu in: H-Net Reviews
  • Union vs. Dr. Mudd
    Higdon, Hal.: Union vs. Dr. Mudd (2008)
    Review Michael W. Kauffman in: H-Net Reviews
  • In the trenches at Petersburg. field fortifications & confederate defeat
    Hess, Earl J.: In the trenches at Petersburg. field fortifications & confederate defeat (2009)
    Review Charles R. Bowery in: H-Net Reviews
  • Trench warfare under Grant & Lee. field fortifications in the Overland Campaign
    Hess, Earl J.: Trench warfare under Grant & Lee. field fortifications in the Overland Campaign (2007)
    Review Charles R. Bowery in: H-Net Reviews
  • Banned in Berlin. literary censorship in imperial Germany 1871 - 1918
    Stark, Gary D.: Banned in Berlin. literary censorship in imperial Germany 1871 - 1918 (2009)
    Review Andrew Bonnell in: H-Net Reviews
  • The frightful stage. political censorship of the theater in nineteenth-century Europe
    Goldstein, Robert Justin (Hrsg.): The frightful stage. political censorship of the theater in nineteenth-century Europe (2009)
    Review Andrew Bonnell in: H-Net Reviews
  • Bluejackets and contrabands. African Americans and the Union Navy
    Tomblin, Barbara: Bluejackets and contrabands. African Americans and the Union Navy (2009)
    Review Carole Emberton in: H-Net Reviews
  • The ghost of Jim Crow. how southern moderates used Brown v. Board of Education to stall civil rights
    Walker, Anders: The ghost of Jim Crow. how southern moderates used Brown v. Board of Education to stall civil rights (2009)
    Review Gerald N. Rosenberg in: H-Net Reviews
  • Monument wars. Washington, D.C., the National Mall, and the transformation of the memorial landscape
    Savage, Kirk: Monument wars. Washington, D.C., the National Mall, and the transformation of the memorial landscape (2009)
    Review Christopher H. Sterling in: H-Net Reviews
  • Slavery, Resistance, Freedom (Ettysburg Civil War Institute Books)
    Slavery, Resistance, Freedom (Ettysburg Civil War Institute Books) (2009)
    Review Kirt Von Daacke in: H-Net Reviews
  • Temporäres Denkmal
    Sommerauer, Andrea.; Wassermann, Franz: Temporäres Denkmal (2009)
    Review Roderick Stackelberg in: H-Net Reviews
  • "Das Vergessen der Vernichtung ist ein Teil der Vernichtung selbst". Lebensgeschichten von Opfern der nationalsozialistischen "Euthanasie"
    Fuchs, Petra (Hrsg.): "Das Vergessen der Vernichtung ist ein Teil der Vernichtung selbst". Lebensgeschichten von Opfern der nationalsozialistischen "Euthanasie" (2007)
    Review Roderick Stackelberg in: H-Net Reviews
  • Between natives and foreigners. selected writings of Karl
    Follen, Charles: Between natives and foreigners. selected writings of Karl (2007)
    Review John Walker in: H-Net Reviews
  • Peaceable kingdom lost. the Paxton Boys and the destruction of William Penn's holy experiment
    Kenny, Kevin: Peaceable kingdom lost. the Paxton Boys and the destruction of William Penn's holy experiment (2009)
    Review Peter Messer in: H-Net Reviews
  • Glory Enough for All: Sheridan's Second Raid and the Battle of Trevilian Station
    Eric J. Wittenberg: Glory Enough for All: Sheridan's Second Raid and the Battle of Trevilian Station (2007)
    Review James K. Bryant II in: H-Net Reviews
  • Joothan. An Untouchable's Life
    Valmiki, Omprakash: Joothan. An Untouchable's Life (2003)
    Review Mohd. Asaduddin in: H-Net Reviews
  • Cultures of abortion in Weimar Germany
    Usborne, Cornelie: Cultures of abortion in Weimar Germany (2007)
    Review Mary Jo Maynes in: H-Net Reviews
  • Rattling Chains and Other Stories for Children/Ruido de Cadenas y Otros Cuentos Para Ninos
    Nasario Garcia: Rattling Chains and Other Stories for Children/Ruido de Cadenas y Otros Cuentos Para Ninos (2009)
    Review Melina V. Vizcaíno-Alemán in: H-Net Reviews
Page 506 (29005 Results)
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