Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Uncertain tastes. memory, ambivalence, and the politics of eating in Samburu, northern Kenya
    Holtzman, Jon: Uncertain tastes. memory, ambivalence, and the politics of eating in Samburu, northern Kenya (2009)
    Review James McCann in: H-Net Reviews
  • Uncertain tastes. memory, ambivalence, and the politics of eating in Samburu, northern Kenya
    Holtzman, Jon: Uncertain tastes. memory, ambivalence, and the politics of eating in Samburu, northern Kenya (2009)
    Review James McCann in: H-Net Reviews
  • Defeat and memory. cultural histories of military defeat in the modern era
    Macleod, Jenny (Hrsg.): Defeat and memory. cultural histories of military defeat in the modern era (2008)
    Review Friederike Bruehoefener in: H-Net Reviews
  • Nomads who cultivate beauty. Wodaabe dances and visual arts in Niger
    Bovin, Mette: Nomads who cultivate beauty. Wodaabe dances and visual arts in Niger (2001)
    Review Cynthia Becker in: H-Net Reviews
  • The birth of feminism. woman as intellect in Renaissance Italy and England
    Ross, Sarah Gwyneth: The birth of feminism. woman as intellect in Renaissance Italy and England (2009)
    Review Christine Meek in: H-Net Reviews
  • Ottomans, Turks and the Balkans. empire lost, relations altered
    Boyar, Ebru: Ottomans, Turks and the Balkans. empire lost, relations altered (2007)
    Review Ipek K. Yosmaoglu in: H-Net Reviews
  • Johann Sleidan and the Protestant vision of history
    Kess, Alexandra: Johann Sleidan and the Protestant vision of history (2008)
    Review N. Scott Amos in: H-Net Reviews
  • Living with Hitler. liberal democrats in the Third Reich
    Kurlander, Eric: Living with Hitler. liberal democrats in the Third Reich (2009)
    Review Rüdiger Graf in: H-Net Reviews
  • Battle for the castle. the myth of Czechoslovakia in Europe, 1914 - 1948
    Orzoff, Andrea: Battle for the castle. the myth of Czechoslovakia in Europe, 1914 - 1948 (2009)
    Review Tara Zahra in: H-Net Reviews
  • Aqua shock. the water crisis in America
    Marks, Susan J.: Aqua shock. the water crisis in America (2009)
    Review Abraham Hoffman in: H-Net Reviews
  • Christians, blasphemers, and witches. Afro-Mexican ritual practice in the seventeenth century
    Bristol, Joan Cameron: Christians, blasphemers, and witches. Afro-Mexican ritual practice in the seventeenth century (2007)
    Review Andrea Lepage in: H-Net Reviews
  • Deliver us from evil. the slavery question in the Old South
    Ford, Lacy K.: Deliver us from evil. the slavery question in the Old South (2009)
    Review Peter Hoffer in: H-Net Reviews
  • Early cinema and the "National"
    Abel, Richard; Bertellini, Giorgio; King, Rob (Hrsg.): Early cinema and the "National" (2008)
    Review David Imhoof in: H-Net Reviews
  • The novelty of newspapers. Victorian fiction after the invention of the news
    Rubery, Matthew: The novelty of newspapers. Victorian fiction after the invention of the news (2009)
    Review Jonathan Rose in: H-Net Reviews
  • The modernist imagination. intellectual history and critical theory ; essays in honor of Martin Jay
    Breckman, Warren (Hrsg.): The modernist imagination. intellectual history and critical theory ; essays in honor of Martin Jay (2009)
    Review Mitchell M. Harris in: H-Net Reviews
  • The theological origins of modernity
    Gillespie, Michael Allen: The theological origins of modernity (2008)
    Review Massimo Faggioli in: H-Net Reviews
  • Citizen bachelors. manhood and the creation of the United States
    McCurdy, John Gilbert: Citizen bachelors. manhood and the creation of the United States (2009)
    Review Benjamin Irvin in: H-Net Reviews
  • Cultured force. makers and defenders of the French colonial empire
    Singer, Barnett; Langdon, John W.: Cultured force. makers and defenders of the French colonial empire (2004)
    Review Leland Barrows in: H-Net Reviews
  • Cultured force. makers and defenders of the French colonial empire
    Singer, Barnett; Langdon, John W.: Cultured force. makers and defenders of the French colonial empire (2004)
    Review Leland Barrows in: H-Net Reviews
  • Memory, empire, and postcolonialism. legacies of French colonialism
    Hargreaves, Alec G. (Hrsg.): Memory, empire, and postcolonialism. legacies of French colonialism (2005)
    Review Leland Barrows in: H-Net Reviews
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