Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Von Braun. dreamer of space, engineer of war
    Neufeld, Michael J.: Von Braun. dreamer of space, engineer of war (2007)
    Review Richard H. Beyler in: H-Net Reviews
  • The great crusade. a new complete history of the Second World War
    Willmott, H. P.: The great crusade. a new complete history of the Second World War (2008)
    Review James V. Koch in: H-Net Reviews
  • The two cultures controversy. science, literature and cultural politics in postwar Britain
    Ortolano, Guy: The two cultures controversy. science, literature and cultural politics in postwar Britain (2009)
    Review Peter Mandler in: H-Net Reviews
  • Crucibles of political loyalty. church institutions and electoral continuity in Hungary
    Wittenberg, Jason: Crucibles of political loyalty. church institutions and electoral continuity in Hungary (2006)
    Review James Bjork in: H-Net Reviews
  • Volunteers on the Veld. Britain's citizen-soldiers and the South African War, 1899 - 1902
    Miller, Stephen M.: Volunteers on the Veld. Britain's citizen-soldiers and the South African War, 1899 - 1902 (2007)
    Review Anne Samson in: H-Net Reviews
  • Sacred bonds of solidarity. the rise of Jewish internationalism in nineteenth-century France
    Leff, Lisa Moses: Sacred bonds of solidarity. the rise of Jewish internationalism in nineteenth-century France (2006)
    Review Ronald Schechter in: H-Net Reviews
  • AIDS, culture, and Africa
    Feldman, Douglas A. (Hrsg.): AIDS, culture, and Africa (2008)
    Review Gary Marquardt in: H-Net Reviews
  • Babies for the nation. the medicalization of motherhood in Quebec ; 1910 - 1970
    Baillargeon, Denyse: Babies for the nation. the medicalization of motherhood in Quebec ; 1910 - 1970 (2009)
    Review Robyn Braun in: H-Net Reviews
  • 1848, year of revolution
    Rapport, Michael: 1848, year of revolution (2009)
    Review Andreas Fahrmeir in: H-Net Reviews
  • Citizenship and identity in a multinational commonwealth. Poland-Lithuania in context, 1550 - 1772
    Friedrich, Karin; Pendzich, Barbara M. (Hrsg.): Citizenship and identity in a multinational commonwealth. Poland-Lithuania in context, 1550 - 1772 (2009)
    Review Christian Preusse in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Bulgarian Orthodox Church. a socio-historical analysis of the evolving relationship between church, nation and state in Bulgaria
    Hopkins, James Lindsay: The Bulgarian Orthodox Church. a socio-historical analysis of the evolving relationship between church, nation and state in Bulgaria (2009)
    Review Kristen Ghodsee in: H-Net Reviews
  • The people and their peace. legal culture and the transformation of inequality in the post-revolutionary south
    Edwards, Laura F.: The people and their peace. legal culture and the transformation of inequality in the post-revolutionary south (2009)
    Review Tim Huebner in: H-Net Reviews
  • Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins. Black daughter of the revolution
    Brown, Lois: Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins. Black daughter of the revolution (2008)
    Review Tara White in: H-Net Reviews
  • Screening a lynching. the Leo Frank case on film and television
    Bernstein, Matthew: Screening a lynching. the Leo Frank case on film and television (2009)
    Review Brent Campney in: H-Net Reviews
  • Screening a lynching. the Leo Frank case on film and television
    Bernstein, Matthew: Screening a lynching. the Leo Frank case on film and television (2009)
    Review Brent Campney in: H-Net Reviews
  • The world of child labor. an historical and regional survey
    Hindman, Hugh D. (Hrsg.): The world of child labor. an historical and regional survey (2009)
    Review Andrea Schapper in: H-Net Reviews
  • Advocating dignity. human rights mobilizations in global politics
    Quataert, Jean Helen: Advocating dignity. human rights mobilizations in global politics (2009)
    Review Bob Press in: H-Net Reviews
  • Neither fugitive nor free. Atlantic slavery, freedom suits, and the legal culture of travel
    Wong, Edlie L.: Neither fugitive nor free. Atlantic slavery, freedom suits, and the legal culture of travel (2009)
    Review Beverly C. Tomek in: H-Net Reviews
  • Neither fugitive nor free. Atlantic slavery, freedom suits, and the legal culture of travel
    Wong, Edlie L.: Neither fugitive nor free. Atlantic slavery, freedom suits, and the legal culture of travel (2009)
    Review Beverly C. Tomek in: H-Net Reviews
  • Murder without hatred. Estonians and the Holocaust
    Weiss-Wendt, Anton: Murder without hatred. Estonians and the Holocaust (2009)
    Review Jeff Rutherford in: H-Net Reviews
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