Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Terrorismus und Staat. Versuch einer Definition des Terrorismusphänomens und Analyse zur Existenz einer strategischen Konzeption staatlicher Gegenmaßnahmen am Beispiel der Roten Armee Fraktion in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
    Petri, Mario: Terrorismus und Staat. Versuch einer Definition des Terrorismusphänomens und Analyse zur Existenz einer strategischen Konzeption staatlicher Gegenmaßnahmen am Beispiel der Roten Armee Fraktion in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (2007)
    Review Daniel E. Rogers in: H-Net Reviews
  • Fallible authors. Chaucer's Pardoner and Wife of Bath
    Minnis, Alastair: Fallible authors. Chaucer's Pardoner and Wife of Bath (2008)
    Review Russell Poole in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Heart of the Gospel: A. B. Simpson, the Fourfold Gospel, and Late Nineteenth-Century Evangelical Theology (Princeton Theological Monograph)
    Bernie A. Van De Walle: The Heart of the Gospel: A. B. Simpson, the Fourfold Gospel, and Late Nineteenth-Century Evangelical Theology (Princeton Theological Monograph) (2009)
    Review Roy Williams in: H-Net Reviews
  • Cultural history of early modern European streets
    Laitinen, Riitta; Cohen, Thomas Vance (Hrsg.): Cultural history of early modern European streets (2009)
    Review Christopher R. Friedrichs in: H-Net Reviews
  • And they were wonderful teachers. Florida's purge of gay and lesbian teachers
    Graves, Karen L.: And they were wonderful teachers. Florida's purge of gay and lesbian teachers (2009)
    Review David Lee McMullen in: H-Net Reviews
  • And they were wonderful teachers. Florida's purge of gay and lesbian teachers
    Graves, Karen L.: And they were wonderful teachers. Florida's purge of gay and lesbian teachers (2009)
    Review David Lee McMullen in: H-Net Reviews
  • After the Reich. the brutal history of the Allied occupation
    MacDonogh, Giles: After the Reich. the brutal history of the Allied occupation (2007)
    Review Henry Wend in: H-Net Reviews
  • Die groߟe Verschiebung?. das Ringen um den Lastenausgleich im Nachkriegsdeutschland von den ersten Vorarbeiten bis zur Verabschiedung des Gesetzes 1952
    Wenzel, Rüdiger: Die groߟe Verschiebung?. das Ringen um den Lastenausgleich im Nachkriegsdeutschland von den ersten Vorarbeiten bis zur Verabschiedung des Gesetzes 1952 (2008)
    Review Andrew Demshuk in: H-Net Reviews
  • A companion to eighteenth-century Europe
    Wilson, Peter H. (Hrsg.): A companion to eighteenth-century Europe (2008)
    Review Eric Carlsson in: H-Net Reviews
  • The disordered police state. German cameralism as science and practice
    Wakefield, Andre: The disordered police state. German cameralism as science and practice (2009)
    Review Peter H. Wilson in: H-Net Reviews
  • Literature and politics in Cromwellian England. John Milton, Andrew Marvell, Marchamont Nedham
    Worden, Blair: Literature and politics in Cromwellian England. John Milton, Andrew Marvell, Marchamont Nedham (2007)
    Review Anne McLaren in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Dharma's gatekeepers. Sakya PaÜønÜødita on Buddhist scholarship in Tibet
    Gold, Jonathan C.: The Dharma's gatekeepers. Sakya PaÜønÜødita on Buddhist scholarship in Tibet (2008)
    Review Dominique Townsend in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Dharma's gatekeepers. Sakya Pandita on Buddhist scholarship in Tibet
    Gold, Jonathan C.: The Dharma's gatekeepers. Sakya Pandita on Buddhist scholarship in Tibet (2007)
    Review Dominique Townsend in: H-Net Reviews
  • Weimar Germany
    McElligott, Anthony (Hrsg.): Weimar Germany (2009)
    Review Eric Bryden in: H-Net Reviews
  • Weimar Germany
    McElligott, Anthony (Hrsg.): Weimar Germany (2009)
    Review Eric Bryden in: H-Net Reviews
  • Weimar Germany. promise and tragedy
    Weitz, Eric D.: Weimar Germany. promise and tragedy (2007)
    Review Ulf Zimmermann in: H-Net Reviews
  • Extraordinary Canadians Glenn Gould (Hardcover)
    Extraordinary Canadians Glenn Gould (Hardcover) (0)
    Review Jason Blake in: H-Net Reviews
  • Assessing the impact of transitional justice. challenges for empirical research
    Van der Merwe, Hugo (Hrsg.): Assessing the impact of transitional justice. challenges for empirical research (2009)
    Review Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm in: H-Net Reviews
  • Rethinking asylum. history, purpose, and limits
    Price, Matthew E.: Rethinking asylum. history, purpose, and limits (2009)
    Review Yael Schacher in: H-Net Reviews
  • Rethinking asylum. history, purpose, and limits
    Price, Matthew E.: Rethinking asylum. history, purpose, and limits (2009)
    Review Yael Schacher in: H-Net Reviews
Page 528 (29005 Results)
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