Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Vienna in the age of uncertainty. science, liberalism, and private life
    Coen, Deborah R.: Vienna in the age of uncertainty. science, liberalism, and private life (2007)
    Review Steven Beller in: H-Net Reviews
  • If we could change the world. young people and America's long struggle for racial equality
    De Schweinitz, Rebecca: If we could change the world. young people and America's long struggle for racial equality (2009)
    Review William Sturkey in: H-Net Reviews
  • Programmed to kill. Lee Harvey Oswald, the Soviet KGB, and the Kennedy assassination
    Pacepa, Ion Mihai: Programmed to kill. Lee Harvey Oswald, the Soviet KGB, and the Kennedy assassination (2007)
    Review Stan Weeber in: H-Net Reviews
  • Just wars and moral victories. surprise, deception and the normative framework of European war in the later Middle Ages
    Whetham, David: Just wars and moral victories. surprise, deception and the normative framework of European war in the later Middle Ages (2009)
    Review Brian G.H. Ditcham in: H-Net Reviews
  • Der Dank des Vaterlandes. eine Symbolgeschichte des Eisernen Kreuzes 1914 bis 1936
    Winkle, Ralph: Der Dank des Vaterlandes. eine Symbolgeschichte des Eisernen Kreuzes 1914 bis 1936 (2007)
    Review Chad R. Fulwider in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Internet and the Madonna. religious visionary experience on the Web
    Apolito, Paolo: The Internet and the Madonna. religious visionary experience on the Web (2005)
    Review Eugene Hynes in: H-Net Reviews
  • Blood and soil. a world history of genocide and extermination from Sparta to Darfur
    Kiernan, Ben: Blood and soil. a world history of genocide and extermination from Sparta to Darfur (2007)
    Review John M. Cox in: H-Net Reviews
  • Blood and soil. a world history of genocide and extermination from Sparta to Darfur
    Kiernan, Ben: Blood and soil. a world history of genocide and extermination from Sparta to Darfur (2009)
    Review John M. Cox in: H-Net Reviews
  • Power and plenty. trade, war, and the world economy in the second millennium
    Findlay, Ronald; O'Rourke, Kevin H.: Power and plenty. trade, war, and the world economy in the second millennium (2007)
    Review Jost Dülffer in: H-Net Reviews
  • LatinoamÜØerica y EspaÜÞna, 1800 - 1850. un crecimiento econÜØomico nada excepcional
    Llopis AgelÜØan, Enrique; Marichal, Carlos (Hrsg.): LatinoamÜØerica y EspaÜÞna, 1800 - 1850. un crecimiento econÜØomico nada excepcional (2009)
    Review Gabriel Paquette in: H-Net Reviews
  • All-out for victory!. magazine advertising and the World War II home front
    Jones, John Bush: All-out for victory!. magazine advertising and the World War II home front (2009)
    Review Janet Rice McCoy in: H-Net Reviews
  • Riven by lust. incest and schism in Indian Buddhist legend and historiography
    Silk, Jonathan A.: Riven by lust. incest and schism in Indian Buddhist legend and historiography (2009)
    Review Douglas Osto in: H-Net Reviews
  • Lincoln on race & slavery
    Lincoln, Abraham: Lincoln on race & slavery (2009)
    Review Martin Hardeman in: H-Net Reviews
  • The struggle for power in early modern Europe. religious conflict, dynastic empires, and international change
    Nexon, Daniel H.: The struggle for power in early modern Europe. religious conflict, dynastic empires, and international change (2009)
    Review Matthias Pohlig in: H-Net Reviews
  • The struggle for power in early modern Europe. religious conflict, dynastic empires, and international change
    Nexon, Daniel H.: The struggle for power in early modern Europe. religious conflict, dynastic empires, and international change (2009)
    Review Matthias Pohlig in: H-Net Reviews
  • Sorry states. apologies in international politics
    Lind, Jennifer M.: Sorry states. apologies in international politics (2008)
    Review Jost Dülffer in: H-Net Reviews
  • Empire and identity. biographies of the Austrian state problem in the late Habsburg empire
    Lindströ€™m, Fredrik: Empire and identity. biographies of the Austrian state problem in the late Habsburg empire (2008)
    Review John Deak in: H-Net Reviews
  • The doom of Reconstruction. the liberal Republicans in the Civil War era
    Slap, Andrew Leonard: The doom of Reconstruction. the liberal Republicans in the Civil War era (2006)
    Review Chris Fobare in: H-Net Reviews
  • The church of Mary Tudor
    Duffy, Eamon; Loades, D. M. (Hrsg.): The church of Mary Tudor (2007)
    Review Melissa Harkrider in: H-Net Reviews
  • Modernizing a slave economy. the economic vision of the Confederate nation
    Majewski, John D.: Modernizing a slave economy. the economic vision of the Confederate nation (2009)
    Review Sean Patrick Adams in: H-Net Reviews
Page 530 (29005 Results)
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