Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Restless genius. Barney Kilgore, The Wall Street Journal, and the invention of modern journalism
    Tofel, Richard J.: Restless genius. Barney Kilgore, The Wall Street Journal, and the invention of modern journalism (2009)
    Review Tracy Lucht in: H-Net Reviews
  • A Russian merchant's tale. the life and adventures of Ivan Alekseevich TolchÜ·enov, based on his diary
    Ransel, David L.: A Russian merchant's tale. the life and adventures of Ivan Alekseevich TolchÜ·enov, based on his diary (2009)
    Review Alison K. Smith in: H-Net Reviews
  • A Russian merchant's tale. the life and adventures of Ivan Alekseevich TolchÜ·enov, based on his diary
    Ransel, David L.: A Russian merchant's tale. the life and adventures of Ivan Alekseevich TolchÜ·enov, based on his diary (2009)
    Review Alison K. Smith in: H-Net Reviews
  • Competitive Spirits: Latin America's New Religious Economy
    R. Andrew Chesnut: Competitive Spirits: Latin America's New Religious Economy (2007)
    Review Rowan Ireland in: H-Net Reviews
  • Revolutionary backlash. women and politics in the early American Republic
    Zagarri, Rosemarie: Revolutionary backlash. women and politics in the early American Republic (2007)
    Review Marie Basile McDaniel in: H-Net Reviews
  • Blood and capital. the paramilitarization of Colombia
    Hristov, Jasmin: Blood and capital. the paramilitarization of Colombia (2009)
    Review Karen Faulk in: H-Net Reviews
  • Jewish women in fin de siècle Vienna
    Rose, Alison: Jewish women in fin de siècle Vienna (2008)
    Review Megan Brandow-Faller in: H-Net Reviews
  • Selling the American way. U.S. propaganda and the Cold War
    Belmonte, Laura A.: Selling the American way. U.S. propaganda and the Cold War (2008)
    Review Nicholas J. Schlosser in: H-Net Reviews
  • Denken der Demokratie. die Soziologie im atlantischen Transfer des Besatzungsregimes ; vier Abhandlungen
    Gerhardt, Uta: Denken der Demokratie. die Soziologie im atlantischen Transfer des Besatzungsregimes ; vier Abhandlungen (2007)
    Review Marcus M. Payk in: H-Net Reviews
  • Portuguese oceanic expansion, 1400 - 1800
    Bethencourt, Francisco; Curto, Diogo Ramada (Hrsg.): Portuguese oceanic expansion, 1400 - 1800 (2007)
    Review Catia Antunes in: H-Net Reviews
  • Deutsche Kaufleute im Atlantikhandel 1680 - 1830. Unternehmen und Familien in Hamburg, Cádiz und Bordeaux
    Weber, Klaus: Deutsche Kaufleute im Atlantikhandel 1680 - 1830. Unternehmen und Familien in Hamburg, Cádiz und Bordeaux (2004)
    Review Katherine B. Aaslestad in: H-Net Reviews
  • Counterfeit justice. the judicial odyssey of Texas freedwoman Azeline Hearne
    Baum, Dale: Counterfeit justice. the judicial odyssey of Texas freedwoman Azeline Hearne (2009)
    Review Heidi Giusto in: H-Net Reviews
  • Heavy burdens on small shoulders
    Rollings-Magnusson, Sandra.: Heavy burdens on small shoulders (2009)
    Review Mona Gleason in: H-Net Reviews
  • Slinging Doughnuts for the Boys: An American Woman in World War II
    James H. Madison: Slinging Doughnuts for the Boys: An American Woman in World War II (2008)
    Review Katherine Burger Johnson in: H-Net Reviews
  • An army in skirts. the World War II letters of Frances DeBra
    Brown, Frances DeBra: An army in skirts. the World War II letters of Frances DeBra (2008)
    Review Katherine Burger Johnson in: H-Net Reviews
  • The trial of Frederick Eberle. language, patriotism, and citizenship in Philadelphia's German community, 1790 to 1830
    Baer, Friederike: The trial of Frederick Eberle. language, patriotism, and citizenship in Philadelphia's German community, 1790 to 1830 (2008)
    Review Joyce Goodfriend in: H-Net Reviews
  • Victorian fetishism. intellectuals and primitives
    Logan, Peter Melville: Victorian fetishism. intellectuals and primitives (2009)
    Review Scott Breuninger in: H-Net Reviews
  • The diaries and papers of James G. McDonald. Refugees and rescue
    McDonald, James Grover: The diaries and papers of James G. McDonald. Refugees and rescue (2009)
    Review Bat Ami Zucker in: H-Net Reviews
  • Medizinethik im Nationalsozialismus. Entwicklungen und Protagonisten in Berlin (1939 - 1945)
    Bruns, Florian: Medizinethik im Nationalsozialismus. Entwicklungen und Protagonisten in Berlin (1939 - 1945) (2009)
    Review Richard Weikart in: H-Net Reviews
  • Diplomat ohne Eigenschaften?. die Karriere des Hans Heinrich Dieckhoff (1884 - 1952)
    Taschka, Sylvia: Diplomat ohne Eigenschaften?. die Karriere des Hans Heinrich Dieckhoff (1884 - 1952) (2006)
    Review David Thomas Murphy in: H-Net Reviews
Page 532 (29005 Results)
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