Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Deutscher Humanismus 1480 - 1520. A - K
    Worstbrock, Franz Josef (Hrsg.): Deutscher Humanismus 1480 - 1520. A - K (2008)
    Review Patrick Hayden-Roy in: H-Net Reviews
  • Freedom's prophet. Bishop Richard Allen, the AMR Church, and the Black founding fathers
    Newman, Richard S.: Freedom's prophet. Bishop Richard Allen, the AMR Church, and the Black founding fathers (2008)
    Review Kyle B. Roberts in: H-Net Reviews
  • For all we have and are. Regina and the experience of the Great War
    Pitsula, James M.: For all we have and are. Regina and the experience of the Great War (2008)
    Review Jody Perrun in: H-Net Reviews
  • For all we have and are. Regina and the experience of the Great War
    Pitsula, James M.: For all we have and are. Regina and the experience of the Great War (2008)
    Review Jody Perrun in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Third Reich in the ivory tower. complicity and conflict on American campuses
    Norwood, Stephen Harlan: The Third Reich in the ivory tower. complicity and conflict on American campuses (2009)
    Review Francis R. Nicosia in: H-Net Reviews
  • Climate change politics in Europe. Germany and the International relations of the environment
    Jaggard, Lyn: Climate change politics in Europe. Germany and the International relations of the environment (2007)
    Review Alexander Reinfeldt in: H-Net Reviews
  • Christian democracy and the origins of European Union
    Kaiser, Wolfram: Christian democracy and the origins of European Union (2007)
    Review Robert Mark Spaulding in: H-Net Reviews
  • Vereinzelte Sprachinseln oder Archipel?. Die Mennonitenkolonien in Belize im englisch-spanischen Sprachkontakt
    Steffen, Joachim: Vereinzelte Sprachinseln oder Archipel?. Die Mennonitenkolonien in Belize im englisch-spanischen Sprachkontakt (2006)
    Review Göz Kaufmann in: H-Net Reviews
  • Stalins großer Bluff. die Geschichte der Stalin-Note in Dokumenten der sowjetischen Führung
    Ruggenthaler, Peter (Hrsg.): Stalins großer Bluff. die Geschichte der Stalin-Note in Dokumenten der sowjetischen Führung (2007)
    Review Thomas Maulucci in: H-Net Reviews
  • Die Schweiz und Deutschland 1945 - 1961
    Fleury, Antoine; Möller, Horst; Schwarz, Hans-Peter (Hrsg.): Die Schweiz und Deutschland 1945 - 1961 (2009)
    Review Riccarda Torriani in: H-Net Reviews
  • Genoa and the sea. policy and power in an early modern maritime republic, 1559 - 1684
    Kirk, Thomas Allison: Genoa and the sea. policy and power in an early modern maritime republic, 1559 - 1684 (2005)
    Review Matt Vester in: H-Net Reviews
  • La famille Borghese et ses fiefs. l'autoritÜØe nÜØegociÜØee dans l'ÜØEtat pontifical d'ancien rÜØegime
    Forclaz, Bertrand: La famille Borghese et ses fiefs. l'autoritÜØe nÜØegociÜØee dans l'ÜØEtat pontifical d'ancien rÜØegime (2006)
    Review Caroline Castiglione in: H-Net Reviews
  • Burning for the Buddha. self-immolation in Chinese Buddhism
    Benn, James A.: Burning for the Buddha. self-immolation in Chinese Buddhism (2007)
    Review Ryan Overbey in: H-Net Reviews
  • Bad girls go everywhere. the life of Helen Gurley Brown
    Scanlon, Jennifer: Bad girls go everywhere. the life of Helen Gurley Brown (2009)
    Review Kim Voss in: H-Net Reviews
  • Ashantee
    Von Hammerstein, Katharina.: Ashantee (2007)
    Review Ulrike Nichols in: H-Net Reviews
  • In the junk shop and other stories
    Pappenheim, Bertha: In the junk shop and other stories (2008)
    Review Katja Majewski in: H-Net Reviews
  • Stealing Lincoln's body
    Craughwell, Thomas J.: Stealing Lincoln's body (2007)
    Review Richard L. Hume in: H-Net Reviews
  • Itineraries in conflict. Israelis, Palestinians, and the political lives of tourism
    Stein, Rebecca L.: Itineraries in conflict. Israelis, Palestinians, and the political lives of tourism (2008)
    Review Ted Swedenburg in: H-Net Reviews
  • Itineraries in conflict. Israelis, Palestinians, and the political lives of tourism
    Stein, Rebecca L.: Itineraries in conflict. Israelis, Palestinians, and the political lives of tourism (2008)
    Review Ted Swedenburg in: H-Net Reviews
  • Beaches, ruins, resorts. the politics of tourism in the Arab world
    Hazbun, Waleed: Beaches, ruins, resorts. the politics of tourism in the Arab world (2008)
    Review Ted Swedenburg in: H-Net Reviews
Page 535 (29005 Results)
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