Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • The masons of Djenné
    Marchand, Trevor Hugh James: The masons of Djenné (2009)
    Review Elisabeth den Otter in: H-Net Reviews
  • The masons of Djenné
    Marchand, Trevor Hugh James: The masons of Djenné (2009)
    Review Elisabeth den Otter in: H-Net Reviews
  • Lebenswenden und Zeitenwenden. deutsche Politiker und die Erfahrungen des 20. Jahrhunderts
    Depkat, Volker: Lebenswenden und Zeitenwenden. deutsche Politiker und die Erfahrungen des 20. Jahrhunderts (2007)
    Review Eric Kurlander in: H-Net Reviews
  • European kinship in the age of biotechnology
    Edwards, Jeanette (Hrsg.): European kinship in the age of biotechnology (2009)
    Review Jason Tebbe in: H-Net Reviews
  • Zongmi on Chan
    Broughton, Jeffrey Lyle: Zongmi on Chan (2009)
    Review Alan Fox in: H-Net Reviews
  • "Im Reich der Arbeit". die Repräsentation gesellschaftlicher Ordnung in den deutschen Industrie- und Gewerbeausstellungen 1790 - 1914
    Großbölting, Thomas: "Im Reich der Arbeit". die Repräsentation gesellschaftlicher Ordnung in den deutschen Industrie- und Gewerbeausstellungen 1790 - 1914 (2008)
    Review Karsten Uhl in: H-Net Reviews
  • Arme und Ärzte, Kranke und Kassen. lÜ‘ndliche Gesundheitsversorgung und kranke Arme in der sÜ“dlichen Rheinprovinz (1869 bis 1930)
    Krieger, Martin: Arme und Ärzte, Kranke und Kassen. lÜ‘ndliche Gesundheitsversorgung und kranke Arme in der sÜ“dlichen Rheinprovinz (1869 bis 1930) (2008)
    Review Jonathan Sperber in: H-Net Reviews
  • Waterways and canal-building in medieval England
    Blair, John (Hrsg.): Waterways and canal-building in medieval England (2007)
    Review James A. Galloway in: H-Net Reviews
  • Moulding the female body in Victorian fairy tales and sensation novels
    Talairach-Vielmas, Laurence: Moulding the female body in Victorian fairy tales and sensation novels (2007)
    Review Carrie Wasinger in: H-Net Reviews
  • Just below South. intercultural performance in the Caribbean and the U.S. South
    Adams, Jessica; Bibler, Michael P.; Accilien, CÜØecile (Hrsg.): Just below South. intercultural performance in the Caribbean and the U.S. South (2007)
    Review James H. Watkins in: H-Net Reviews
  • Just below South. intercultural performance in the Caribbean and the U.S. South
    Adams, Jessica; Bibler, Michael P.; Accilien, CÜØecile (Hrsg.): Just below South. intercultural performance in the Caribbean and the U.S. South (2007)
    Review James H. Watkins in: H-Net Reviews
  • Dreams in exile. rediscovering science and ethics in nineteenth-century social theory
    McCarthy, George E.: Dreams in exile. rediscovering science and ethics in nineteenth-century social theory (2009)
    Review Peter C. Caldwell in: H-Net Reviews
  • Michael Haneke's cinema. the ethic of image
    Wheatley, Catherine: Michael Haneke's cinema. the ethic of image (2009)
    Review Sebastian Heiduschke in: H-Net Reviews
  • America and the return of Nazi contraband. the recovery of Europe's cultural treasures
    Kurtz, Michael J.: America and the return of Nazi contraband. the recovery of Europe's cultural treasures (2006)
    Review Alison G. Stewart in: H-Net Reviews
  • Atrocities on trial. historical perspectives on the politics of prosecuting war crimes
    Heberer, Patricia; Matthäus*, Jürgen (Hrsg.): Atrocities on trial. historical perspectives on the politics of prosecuting war crimes (2008)
    Review Devin O. Pendas in: H-Net Reviews
  • Working with spirit. experiencing izangoma healing in contemporary South Africa
    Wreford, Jo Thobeka: Working with spirit. experiencing izangoma healing in contemporary South Africa (2008)
    Review Karen Flint in: H-Net Reviews
  • Seventeenth-Century Burma and the Dutch East India Company, 1634 - 1680
    Dijk, Wil O.: Seventeenth-Century Burma and the Dutch East India Company, 1634 - 1680 (2004)
    Review Mike Charney in: H-Net Reviews
  • British relations with Sind, 1799 - 1843. an anatomy of imperialism
    Huttenback, Robert A.: British relations with Sind, 1799 - 1843. an anatomy of imperialism (2007)
    Review Manan Ahmed in: H-Net Reviews
  • Learning from Greensboro. truth and reconciliation in the United States
    Magarrell, Lisa: Learning from Greensboro. truth and reconciliation in the United States (2008)
    Review Julie Biando Edwards in: H-Net Reviews
  • Prosecuting heads of state
    Lutz, Ellen L.; Reiger, Caitlin (Hrsg.): Prosecuting heads of state (2009)
    Review Jelena Subotic in: H-Net Reviews
Page 539 (29005 Results)
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