Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • From capture to sale. the Portuguese slave trade to Spanish South America in the early seventeenth century
    Newson, Linda A.; Minchin, Susie: From capture to sale. the Portuguese slave trade to Spanish South America in the early seventeenth century (2007)
    Review Evelyn Powell Jennings in: H-Net Reviews
  • A thoroughly Canadian general. a biography of General H. D. G. Crerar
    Dickson, Paul Douglas: A thoroughly Canadian general. a biography of General H. D. G. Crerar (2008)
    Review Craig Stone in: H-Net Reviews
  • Buschvorwerk im Riesengebirge. eine Gemeinde in Niederschlesien von den Kriegsjahren bis zur Vertreibung
    Weiss, Hermann F.: Buschvorwerk im Riesengebirge. eine Gemeinde in Niederschlesien von den Kriegsjahren bis zur Vertreibung (2006)
    Review Amy Alrich in: H-Net Reviews
  • British weather and the climate of enlightenment
    Golinski, Jan: British weather and the climate of enlightenment (2007)
    Review Patricia Fara in: H-Net Reviews
  • Anspruch und Wirklichkeit der "besonderen Gemeinschaft". der Ost-West-Dialog der deutschen evangelischen Kirchen 1969 - 1991
    Silomon, Anke: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit der "besonderen Gemeinschaft". der Ost-West-Dialog der deutschen evangelischen Kirchen 1969 - 1991 (2006)
    Review Benjamin C. Pearson in: H-Net Reviews
  • Erfüllte Hoffnungen und zerbrochene Träume. evangelische Kirchen in Deutschland im Spannungsfeld von Demokratie und Sozialismus ; (1980 - 1993)
    Kunter, Katharina: Erfüllte Hoffnungen und zerbrochene Träume. evangelische Kirchen in Deutschland im Spannungsfeld von Demokratie und Sozialismus ; (1980 - 1993) (2006)
    Review Benjamin C. Pearson in: H-Net Reviews
  • The NoÜØe Jitrik reader. selected essays on Latin American literature
    Jitrik, NoÜØe: The NoÜØe Jitrik reader. selected essays on Latin American literature (2005)
    Review Fernando Iturburu in: H-Net Reviews
  • Judaism of the Second Temple period. Qumran and Apocalypticism
    Flusser, David: Judaism of the Second Temple period. Qumran and Apocalypticism (2007)
    Review Alex Jassen in: H-Net Reviews
  • Culture and redemption. religion, the secular, and American literature
    Fessenden, Tracy: Culture and redemption. religion, the secular, and American literature (2007)
    Review Finbarr Curtis in: H-Net Reviews
  • Landschaften im Mittelalter
    Spieß, Karl-Heinz; Werlich, Ralf-Gunnar (Hrsg.): Landschaften im Mittelalter (2006)
    Review Shami Ghosh in: H-Net Reviews
  • Buddhism and Taoism face to face. scripture, ritual, and iconographic exchange in medieval China
    Mollier, Christine: Buddhism and Taoism face to face. scripture, ritual, and iconographic exchange in medieval China (2008)
    Review Ryan Overbey in: H-Net Reviews
  • Imagined history. chapters from nineteenth and twentieth century Hungarian symbolic politics
    GerÜʾo, AndrÜØas: Imagined history. chapters from nineteenth and twentieth century Hungarian symbolic politics (2006)
    Review Tuska Benes in: H-Net Reviews
  • Frederick Douglass. race and the rebirth of American liberalism
    Myers, Peter C.: Frederick Douglass. race and the rebirth of American liberalism (2008)
    Review L. Diane Barnes in: H-Net Reviews
  • Feminism encounters traditional Judaism. resistance and accommodation
    Hartman, Tova: Feminism encounters traditional Judaism. resistance and accommodation (2007)
    Review Vanessa L. Ochs in: H-Net Reviews
  • Feminism encounters traditional Judaism. resistance and accommodation
    Hartman, Tova: Feminism encounters traditional Judaism. resistance and accommodation (2007)
    Review Vanessa L. Ochs in: H-Net Reviews
  • The forging of races. race and scripture in the Protestant Atlantic world, 1600 - 2000
    Kidd, Colin: The forging of races. race and scripture in the Protestant Atlantic world, 1600 - 2000 (2006)
    Review Sylvester Johnson in: H-Net Reviews
  • The forging of races. race and scripture in the Protestant Atlantic world, 1600 - 2000
    Kidd, Colin: The forging of races. race and scripture in the Protestant Atlantic world, 1600 - 2000 (2006)
    Review Sylvester Johnson in: H-Net Reviews
  • Jüdische Lebenswelten 1945 - 1955. Flüchtlinge in der amerikanischen Zone Österreichs
    Rolinek, Susanne: Jüdische Lebenswelten 1945 - 1955. Flüchtlinge in der amerikanischen Zone Österreichs (2007)
    Review Jonathan Kwan in: H-Net Reviews
  • City of intrigue, nest of revolution. a documentary history of Key West in the nineteenth century
    Stebbins, Consuelo E.: City of intrigue, nest of revolution. a documentary history of Key West in the nineteenth century (2007)
    Review Jeff Donnelly in: H-Net Reviews
  • Rehearsals. the German Army in Belgium, August 1914
    Lipkes, Jeff: Rehearsals. the German Army in Belgium, August 1914 (2007)
    Review Jeffrey Chipps Smith in: H-Net Reviews
Page 582 (29005 Results)
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