Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Der unbequeme Streiter Fritz Lamm. Jude, Linkssozialist, Emigrant 1911 - 1977 ; eine politische Biographie
    Benz, Michael: Der unbequeme Streiter Fritz Lamm. Jude, Linkssozialist, Emigrant 1911 - 1977 ; eine politische Biographie (2007)
    Review Gary Roth in: H-Net Reviews
  • Anton Erkelenz. ein Sozialliberaler im Kaiserreich und in der Weimarer Republik
    Kellmann, Axel: Anton Erkelenz. ein Sozialliberaler im Kaiserreich und in der Weimarer Republik (2007)
    Review Kenneth F. Ledford in: H-Net Reviews
  • U.S. Army counterinsurgency and contingency operations doctrine, 1942 - 1976
    Birtle, Andrew James: U.S. Army counterinsurgency and contingency operations doctrine, 1942 - 1976 (2006)
    Review Joseph Babb in: H-Net Reviews
  • U.S. Army counterinsurgency and contingency operations doctrine, 1942-1976
    Center of Military History: U.S. Army counterinsurgency and contingency operations doctrine, 1942-1976 (2006)
    Review Joseph Babb in: H-Net Reviews
  • African gifts of the spirit. Pentecostalism & the rise of a Zimbabwean transnational religious movement
    Maxwell, David: African gifts of the spirit. Pentecostalism & the rise of a Zimbabwean transnational religious movement (2006)
    Review Erica Bornstein in: H-Net Reviews
  • A problem of presence. beyond Scripture in an African church
    Engelke, Matthew Eric: A problem of presence. beyond Scripture in an African church (2007)
    Review Erica Bornstein in: H-Net Reviews
  • Exporting American dreams. Thurgood Marshall's African journey
    Dudziak, Mary L.: Exporting American dreams. Thurgood Marshall's African journey (2008)
    Review Babacar M'Baye in: H-Net Reviews
  • The archaeology of race and racialization in historic America
    Orser, Charles E.: The archaeology of race and racialization in historic America (2007)
    Review R. Scott Baxter in: H-Net Reviews
  • The healthy Jew. the symbiosis of Judaism and modern medicine
    Hart, Mitchell Bryan: The healthy Jew. the symbiosis of Judaism and modern medicine (2007)
    Review Eric Ehrenreich in: H-Net Reviews
  • Exclusionary violence. antisemitic riots in modern German history
    Hoffmann, Christhard (Hrsg.): Exclusionary violence. antisemitic riots in modern German history (2002)
    Review Mathias Seiter in: H-Net Reviews
  • Exclusionary violence. antisemitic riots in modern German history
    Hoffmann, Christhard (Hrsg.): Exclusionary violence. antisemitic riots in modern German history (2002)
    Review Mathias Seiter in: H-Net Reviews
  • Child workers in England, 1780 - 1820. parish apprentices and the making of the early industrial labour force
    Honeyman, Katrina: Child workers in England, 1780 - 1820. parish apprentices and the making of the early industrial labour force (2007)
    Review Victor Stater in: H-Net Reviews
  • Encountering the spirit
    Cartledge, Mark J.: Encountering the spirit (2007)
    Review Kenneth J. Archer in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe
    Schimmelfennig, Frank (Hrsg.): The Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe (2005)
    Review Catherine Albrecht in: H-Net Reviews
  • Suddenly everything was different. German lives in upheaval
    Klein, Olaf G.: Suddenly everything was different. German lives in upheaval (2007)
    Review Gunnar Peters in: H-Net Reviews
  • Negotiating democracy. media transformations in emerging democracies
    Blankson, Isaac A.; Murphy, Patrick D. (Hrsg.): Negotiating democracy. media transformations in emerging democracies (2007)
    Review Ariel Barrios-Medina in: H-Net Reviews
  • The politics of anti-Westernism in Asia. visions of world order in Pan-Islamic and Pan-Asian thought
    Aydin, Cemil: The politics of anti-Westernism in Asia. visions of world order in Pan-Islamic and Pan-Asian thought (2007)
    Review Erez Manela in: H-Net Reviews
  • Antisemitism, Christian ambivalence, and the Holocaust
    Spicer, Kevin P. (Hrsg.): Antisemitism, Christian ambivalence, and the Holocaust (2007)
    Review Maria Mazzenga in: H-Net Reviews
  • The maiden tribute of modern Babylon. the report of the Secret Commission
    Stead, William Thomas: The maiden tribute of modern Babylon. the report of the Secret Commission (2007)
    Review Adrian Bingham in: H-Net Reviews
  • Voices of the people. democracy and Chartist political identity, 1830 - 1870
    Hall, Robert G.: Voices of the people. democracy and Chartist political identity, 1830 - 1870 (2007)
    Review Rohan McWilliam in: H-Net Reviews
Page 610 (29005 Results)
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