Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Religionsgeschichte des römischen Germanien. Germania Superior
    Spickermann, Wolfgang: Religionsgeschichte des römischen Germanien. Germania Superior (2003)
    Review Marc Pierce in: H-Net Reviews
  • Die Alemannen und das Christentum. Zeugnisse eines kulturellen Umbruchs
    Lorenz, Sönke; Scholkmann, Barbara (Hrsg.): Die Alemannen und das Christentum. Zeugnisse eines kulturellen Umbruchs (2003)
    Review Marc Pierce in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Alamanni and Rome 213 - 496. (Caracalla to Clovis)
    Drinkwater, John F.: The Alamanni and Rome 213 - 496. (Caracalla to Clovis) (2007)
    Review James E. Cathey in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Dead Sea scrolls and the Hasmonean state
    Eshel, ÜøHanan: The Dead Sea scrolls and the Hasmonean state (2008)
    Review Richard Freund in: H-Net Reviews
  • "Let a common interest bind us together". associations, partisanship, and culture in Philadelphia, 1775 - 1840
    Koschnik, Albrecht: "Let a common interest bind us together". associations, partisanship, and culture in Philadelphia, 1775 - 1840 (2007)
    Review Amanda B. Moniz in: H-Net Reviews
  • Africa and the Americas. interconnections during the slave trade
    Curto, José C.; Soulodre-LaFrance, Renée (Hrsg.): Africa and the Americas. interconnections during the slave trade (2005)
    Review Andrea Allen in: H-Net Reviews
  • Aus Katastrophen lernen. Sachsen im Kampf gegen die Fluten der Elbe 1784 bis 1845
    Poliwoda, Guido Nicolaus: Aus Katastrophen lernen. Sachsen im Kampf gegen die Fluten der Elbe 1784 bis 1845 (2007)
    Review Dean Phillip Bell in: H-Net Reviews
  • Ordnung der Häuser, Beschreibung der Seelen. Hausnummerierung und Seelenkonskription in der Habsburgermonarchie
    Tantner, Anton: Ordnung der Häuser, Beschreibung der Seelen. Hausnummerierung und Seelenkonskription in der Habsburgermonarchie (2007)
    Review Brian G.H. Ditcham in: H-Net Reviews
  • Justice across borders. the struggle for human rights in U.S. courts
    Davis, Jeffrey: Justice across borders. the struggle for human rights in U.S. courts (2008)
    Review Paul Parker in: H-Net Reviews
  • Justice across borders. the struggle for human rights in U.S. courts
    Davis, Jeffrey: Justice across borders. the struggle for human rights in U.S. courts (2008)
    Review Paul Parker in: H-Net Reviews
  • Urban societies in East-Central Europe. 1500-1700
    Miller, Jaroslav: Urban societies in East-Central Europe. 1500-1700 (2008)
    Review Balázs Szelényi in: H-Net Reviews
  • Preaching in the Age of Chaucer: Selected Sermons in Translation (Medieval Texts in Translation)
    Preaching in the Age of Chaucer: Selected Sermons in Translation (Medieval Texts in Translation) (2008)
    Review Chris L. Nighman in: H-Net Reviews
  • "Swing the sickle for the harvest is ripe". gender and slavery in antebellum Georgia
    Berry, Daina Ramey: "Swing the sickle for the harvest is ripe". gender and slavery in antebellum Georgia (2007)
    Review Mary Ellen Pethel in: H-Net Reviews
  • A power to do justice. jurisdiction, English literature, and the rise of common law, 1509 - 1625
    Cormack, Bradin: A power to do justice. jurisdiction, English literature, and the rise of common law, 1509 - 1625 (2007)
    Review Tim Stretton in: H-Net Reviews
  • The politics of sociability. freemasonry and German civil society 1840-1918
    Hoffmann, Stefan-Ludwig: The politics of sociability. freemasonry and German civil society 1840-1918 (2007)
    Review Marynel Ryan Van Zee in: H-Net Reviews
  • Bürgersinn mit Weltgefühl. politische Moral und solidarischer Protest in den sechziger und siebziger Jahren
    Knoch, Habbo (Hrsg.): Bürgersinn mit Weltgefühl. politische Moral und solidarischer Protest in den sechziger und siebziger Jahren (2007)
    Review Michael L. Hughes in: H-Net Reviews
  • Banking on global markets. Deutsche Bank and the United States, 1870 to the present
    Kobrak, Christopher: Banking on global markets. Deutsche Bank and the United States, 1870 to the present (2007)
    Review Elaine Glovka Spencer in: H-Net Reviews
  • Der Bankplatz Berlin zur Nachkriegszeit. Transformation und Rekonstruktion des Ost- und Westberliner Bankwesens zwischen 1945 und 1953
    Pollems, Sebastian T.: Der Bankplatz Berlin zur Nachkriegszeit. Transformation und Rekonstruktion des Ost- und Westberliner Bankwesens zwischen 1945 und 1953 (2006)
    Review C. Edmund Clingan in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Bible and the people
    Ferrell, Lori Anne: The Bible and the people (2008)
    Review Arthur Williamson in: H-Net Reviews
  • Engendering the fall. John Milton and seventeenth-century women writers
    Miller, Shannon: Engendering the fall. John Milton and seventeenth-century women writers (2008)
    Review Rebecca Mills in: H-Net Reviews
Page 613 (29005 Results)
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