Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Sounds of change. a history of FM broadcasting in America
    Sterling, Christopher H.; Keith, Michael C.: Sounds of change. a history of FM broadcasting in America (2008)
    Review Noah Arceneaux in: H-Net Reviews
  • Soft power and its perils. U.S. cultural policy in early postwar Japan and permanent dependency
    Matsuda, Takeshi: Soft power and its perils. U.S. cultural policy in early postwar Japan and permanent dependency (2007)
    Review Dayna Barnes in: H-Net Reviews
  • Sacred claims. repatriation and living tradition
    Johnson, Greg: Sacred claims. repatriation and living tradition (2007)
    Review Christine Boston in: H-Net Reviews
  • Sacred claims. repatriation and living tradition
    Johnson, Greg: Sacred claims. repatriation and living tradition (2007)
    Review Christine Boston in: H-Net Reviews
  • Natives & settlers, now & then. historical issues and current perspectives on treaties and land claims in Canada
    DePasquale, Paul Warren (Hrsg.): Natives & settlers, now & then. historical issues and current perspectives on treaties and land claims in Canada (2007)
    Review Christine Boston in: H-Net Reviews
  • Making knowledge in early modern Europe. practices, objects, and texts, 1400 - 1800
    Smith, Pamela H.; Schmidt, Benjamin (Hrsg.): Making knowledge in early modern Europe. practices, objects, and texts, 1400 - 1800 (2007)
    Review Michael J. Sauter in: H-Net Reviews
  • Making knowledge in early modern Europe. practices, objects, and texts, 1400 - 1800
    Smith, Pamela H.; Schmidt, Benjamin (Hrsg.): Making knowledge in early modern Europe. practices, objects, and texts, 1400 - 1800 (2007)
    Review Michael J. Sauter in: H-Net Reviews
  • Science and scientism in nineteenth-century Europe
    Olson, Richard G.: Science and scientism in nineteenth-century Europe (2008)
    Review Andrea Westermann in: H-Net Reviews
  • Science and scientism in nineteenth-century Europe
    Olson, Richard G.: Science and scientism in nineteenth-century Europe (2008)
    Review Andrea Westermann in: H-Net Reviews
  • From conciliation to conquest. the sack of Athens and the court-martial of Colonel John B. Turchin
    Bradley, George C.: From conciliation to conquest. the sack of Athens and the court-martial of Colonel John B. Turchin (2006)
    Review Theresa Storey Hefner-Babb in: H-Net Reviews
  • Ghettostadt. Łódź and the making of a Nazi city
    Horwitz, Gordon J.: Ghettostadt. Łódź and the making of a Nazi city (2008)
    Review Tim Cole in: H-Net Reviews
  • Lincoln and the decision for war. the northern response to secession
    McClintock, Russell: Lincoln and the decision for war. the northern response to secession (2008)
    Review Michael Smith in: H-Net Reviews
  • kindly ones
    Littell, Jonathan: kindly ones (2009)
    Review Peter Fritzsche in: H-Net Reviews
  • Virtuous bodies. the physical dimensions of morality in Buddhist ethics
    Mrozik, Susanne: Virtuous bodies. the physical dimensions of morality in Buddhist ethics (2007)
    Review Barbra Clayton in: H-Net Reviews
  • Feitores do corpo, missionÜØarios da mente. senhores, letrados e o controle dos escravos nas AmÜØericas, 1660-1860
    Marquese, Rafael: Feitores do corpo, missionÜØarios da mente. senhores, letrados e o controle dos escravos nas AmÜØericas, 1660-1860 (2004)
    Review Kirsten Schultz in: H-Net Reviews
  • AdministraÜʿcÜÞao & escravidÜÞao. idÜØeas sobre a gestÜÞao da agricultura escravista brasileira
    Marquese, Rafael de Bivar: AdministraÜʿcÜÞao & escravidÜÞao. idÜØeas sobre a gestÜÞao da agricultura escravista brasileira (1999)
    Review Kirsten Schultz in: H-Net Reviews
  • Enduring the Great War. combat, morale and collapse in the German and British armies, 1914 - 1918
    Watson, Alexander: Enduring the Great War. combat, morale and collapse in the German and British armies, 1914 - 1918 (2008)
    Review Antoine Capet in: H-Net Reviews
  • Local consequences of the global Cold War
    Engel, Jeffrey A. (Hrsg.): Local consequences of the global Cold War (2007)
    Review Werner D. Lippert in: H-Net Reviews
  • Kennedy in Berlin
    Daum, Andreas W.: Kennedy in Berlin (2008)
    Review Diethelm Prowe in: H-Net Reviews
  • Kennedy in Berlin
    Daum, Andreas W.: Kennedy in Berlin (2008)
    Review Diethelm Prowe in: H-Net Reviews
Page 614 (29005 Results)
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