Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Der Erste Vereinigte Landtag in Preußen von 1847. Untersuchungen zu einer ständischen Körperschaft im Vorfeld der Revolution von 1848/49
    Gerhardt, Johannes: Der Erste Vereinigte Landtag in Preußen von 1847. Untersuchungen zu einer ständischen Körperschaft im Vorfeld der Revolution von 1848/49 (2007)
    Review Markus J. Prutsch in: H-Net Reviews
  • Principles of Law
    Friedrich Julius Stahl: Principles of Law (2007)
    Review Jeffrey T. Zalar in: H-Net Reviews
  • Authority Not Majority
    Ruben Alvarado: Authority Not Majority (2007)
    Review Jeffrey T. Zalar in: H-Net Reviews
  • UN peacekeeping in civil wars
    Howard, Lise MorjÜØe: UN peacekeeping in civil wars (2008)
    Review Emilian Kavalski in: H-Net Reviews
  • UN peacekeeping in civil wars
    Howard, Lise MorjÜØe: UN peacekeeping in civil wars (2008)
    Review Emilian Kavalski in: H-Net Reviews
  • Das politische Plakat der SBZ/DDR 1945 - 1963. zur politischen Ikonographie der sozialistischen Sichtagitation
    Klotz, Katharina: Das politische Plakat der SBZ/DDR 1945 - 1963. zur politischen Ikonographie der sozialistischen Sichtagitation (2006)
    Review Heather Mathews in: H-Net Reviews
  • The great war and medieval memory. war, remembrance and medievalism in Britain and Germany, 1914 - 1940
    Goebel, Stefan: The great war and medieval memory. war, remembrance and medievalism in Britain and Germany, 1914 - 1940 (2007)
    Review Geoffrey J. Giles in: H-Net Reviews
  • Dancing at the crossroads. memory and mobility in Ireland
    Wulff, Helena: Dancing at the crossroads. memory and mobility in Ireland (2007)
    Review Jessica Tomell-Presto in: H-Net Reviews
  • International justice in Rwanda and the Balkans. virtual trials and the struggle for state cooperation
    Peskin, Victor: International justice in Rwanda and the Balkans. virtual trials and the struggle for state cooperation (2008)
    Review Heidi Nichols Haddad in: H-Net Reviews
  • Mercenaries and paid men. the mercenary identity in the Middle Ages ; proceedings of a conference held at University of Wales, Swansea, 7th-9th July 2005
    France, John (Hrsg.): Mercenaries and paid men. the mercenary identity in the Middle Ages ; proceedings of a conference held at University of Wales, Swansea, 7th-9th July 2005 (2008)
    Review William Urban in: H-Net Reviews
  • Working girl blues. the life and music of Hazel Dickens
    Dickens, Hazel: Working girl blues. the life and music of Hazel Dickens (2008)
    Review Matthew Meacham in: H-Net Reviews
  • Working girl blues. the life and music of Hazel Dickens
    Dickens, Hazel: Working girl blues. the life and music of Hazel Dickens (2008)
    Review Matthew Meacham in: H-Net Reviews
  • The witches of Lorraine
    Briggs, Robin: The witches of Lorraine (2007)
    Review William Monter in: H-Net Reviews
  • Honecker's children. youth and patriotism in East(ern) Germany, 1979 - 2002
    Saunders, Anna: Honecker's children. youth and patriotism in East(ern) Germany, 1979 - 2002 (2007)
    Review Catherine Plum in: H-Net Reviews
  • Kindheit und Jugend in Danzig 1920-1945. Identitätsbildung im sozialistischen und im konservativen Milieu
    Gippert, Wolfgang: Kindheit und Jugend in Danzig 1920-1945. Identitätsbildung im sozialistischen und im konservativen Milieu (2005)
    Review Molly J. Loberg in: H-Net Reviews
  • Amazigh arts in Morocco. women shaping Berber identity
    Becker, Cynthia J.: Amazigh arts in Morocco. women shaping Berber identity (2006)
    Review Amanda Rogers in: H-Net Reviews
  • The bitter road to freedom. a new history of the liberation of Europe
    Hitchcock, William I.: The bitter road to freedom. a new history of the liberation of Europe (2008)
    Review Laura J. Hilton in: H-Net Reviews
  • "Komm mit uns das Grenzland aufbauen!". Ansiedlung und neue Strukturen in den ehemaligen Sudetengebieten 1945 - 1952
    Wiedemann, Andreas: "Komm mit uns das Grenzland aufbauen!". Ansiedlung und neue Strukturen in den ehemaligen Sudetengebieten 1945 - 1952 (2007)
    Review Caitlin Murdock in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Renaissance in the streets, schools, and studies. essays in honour of Paul F. Grendler
    Eisenbichler, Konrad; Terpstra, Nicholas (Hrsg.): The Renaissance in the streets, schools, and studies. essays in honour of Paul F. Grendler (2008)
    Review Julie Tanaka in: H-Net Reviews
  • The battle for Los Angeles. racial ideology and World War II
    Leonard, Kevin Allen: The battle for Los Angeles. racial ideology and World War II (2006)
    Review Luis Alvarez in: H-Net Reviews
Page 635 (29005 Results)
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