Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Die Kulturzeitschrift "magnum". photographische Befunde der Moderne
    Szeless, Margarethe: Die Kulturzeitschrift "magnum". photographische Befunde der Moderne (2007)
    Review Undine S. Weber in: H-Net Reviews
  • Perverse romanticism. aesthetics and sexuality in Britain, 1750 - 1832
    Sha, Richard C.: Perverse romanticism. aesthetics and sexuality in Britain, 1750 - 1832 (2009)
    Review Katie Gray in: H-Net Reviews
  • Ancient Cuzco. heartland of the Inca
    Bauer, Brian Scott: Ancient Cuzco. heartland of the Inca (2004)
    Review Craig Hendricks in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Countess von Rudolstadt
    Sand, George: The Countess von Rudolstadt (2008)
    Review Peter Fritzsche in: H-Net Reviews
  • Romanticism after Auschwitz
    Guyer, Sara Emilie: Romanticism after Auschwitz (2007)
    Review Steven R. Cerf in: H-Net Reviews
  • Soldiers' lives through history. The @early modern world
    Showalter, Dennis E.: Soldiers' lives through history. The @early modern world (2007)
    Review Jamel Ostwald in: H-Net Reviews
  • Faith and fatherland. parish politics in Hitler's Germany
    Jantzen, Kyle: Faith and fatherland. parish politics in Hitler's Germany (2008)
    Review Beth A. Griech-Polelle in: H-Net Reviews
  • God-Botherers and Other True-Believers: Gandhi, Hitler and the Religious Right: Religion, Power and Diseducation
    F. G. Bailey: God-Botherers and Other True-Believers: Gandhi, Hitler and the Religious Right: Religion, Power and Diseducation (2008)
    Review Adam Brown in: H-Net Reviews
  • The legacy of George W. Bush's foreign policy. moving beyond neoconservatism
    Peleg, Ilan: The legacy of George W. Bush's foreign policy. moving beyond neoconservatism (2009)
    Review Inderjeet Parmar in: H-Net Reviews
  • Von Hexen, Ratsherren und Juristen. die Rezeption der Peinlichen Halsgerichtsordnung Kaiser Karls V. in den frühen Hexenprozessen der Hansestadt Lemgo 1583 - 1621
    Ströhmer, Michael: Von Hexen, Ratsherren und Juristen. die Rezeption der Peinlichen Halsgerichtsordnung Kaiser Karls V. in den frühen Hexenprozessen der Hansestadt Lemgo 1583 - 1621 (2002)
    Review Jonathan Durrant in: H-Net Reviews
  • Renaissance inquisitors. Dominican inquisitors and inquisitorial districts in Northern Italy, 1474 - 1527
    Tavuzzi, Michael: Renaissance inquisitors. Dominican inquisitors and inquisitorial districts in Northern Italy, 1474 - 1527 (2007)
    Review Peter Matheson in: H-Net Reviews
  • Karl Griewank (1900-1953). ein deutscher Historiker im "Zeitalter der Extreme"
    Kaiser, Tobias: Karl Griewank (1900-1953). ein deutscher Historiker im "Zeitalter der Extreme" (2007)
    Review Matthew Stibbe in: H-Net Reviews
  • In Reckless Hands: Skinner V. Oklahoma and the Near Triumph of American Eugenics
    Victoria F. Nourse: In Reckless Hands: Skinner V. Oklahoma and the Near Triumph of American Eugenics (2008)
    Review Lynne Curry in: H-Net Reviews
  • Three generations, no imbeciles. eugenics, the Supreme Court, and Buck v. Bell
    Lombardo, Paul A.: Three generations, no imbeciles. eugenics, the Supreme Court, and Buck v. Bell (2008)
    Review Lynne Curry in: H-Net Reviews
  • Scarred landscapes. war and nature in Vichy France
    Pearson, Chris: Scarred landscapes. war and nature in Vichy France (2008)
    Review Andrew Knapp in: H-Net Reviews
  • Nazi Paris. the history of an occupation, 1940 - 1944
    Mitchell, Allan: Nazi Paris. the history of an occupation, 1940 - 1944 (2008)
    Review Andrew Knapp in: H-Net Reviews
  • The politics of everyday life in Vichy France. foreigners, undesirables, and strangers
    Fogg, Shannon Lee: The politics of everyday life in Vichy France. foreigners, undesirables, and strangers (2009)
    Review Andrew Knapp in: H-Net Reviews
  • The shameful peace. how French artists and intellectuals survived the Nazi occupation
    Spotts, Frederic: The shameful peace. how French artists and intellectuals survived the Nazi occupation (2008)
    Review Thomas Williams in: H-Net Reviews
  • Das Reichskammergericht. der Weg zu seiner Gründung und die ersten Jahrzehnte seines Wirkens (1451 - 1527)
    Diestelkamp, Bernhard (Hrsg.): Das Reichskammergericht. der Weg zu seiner Gründung und die ersten Jahrzehnte seines Wirkens (1451 - 1527) (2003)
    Review Len Scales in: H-Net Reviews
  • Geschichte auf der langen Bank. die Kommissionen des Reichshofrats unter Kaiser Maximilian II. (1564 - 1576)
    Ullmann, Sabine: Geschichte auf der langen Bank. die Kommissionen des Reichshofrats unter Kaiser Maximilian II. (1564 - 1576) (2006)
    Review Joachim Whaley in: H-Net Reviews
Page 640 (29005 Results)
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