Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Totalitarismuskritik von links. deutsche Diskurse im 20. Jahrhundert
    Schmeitzner, Mike (Hrsg.): Totalitarismuskritik von links. deutsche Diskurse im 20. Jahrhundert (2007)
    Review Gary Roth in: H-Net Reviews
  • Die "andere" Reichshauptstadt. Widerstand aus der Arbeiterbewegung in Berlin von 1933 bis 1945
    Sandvoß, Hans-Rainer: Die "andere" Reichshauptstadt. Widerstand aus der Arbeiterbewegung in Berlin von 1933 bis 1945 (2007)
    Review Thilo W. Schimmel in: H-Net Reviews
  • Blogwars
    Perlmutter, David D.: Blogwars (2008)
    Review Gerry Lanosga in: H-Net Reviews
  • The mantra of efficiency. from waterwheel to social control
    Alexander, Jennifer Karns: The mantra of efficiency. from waterwheel to social control (2008)
    Review Daniel J. Friel in: H-Net Reviews
  • Foreign policy and the French Revolution. Charles-FranÜʿcois Dumouriez, Pierre LeBrun, and the Belgian Plan, 1789-1793
    Howe, Patricia Chastain: Foreign policy and the French Revolution. Charles-FranÜʿcois Dumouriez, Pierre LeBrun, and the Belgian Plan, 1789-1793 (2008)
    Review Marc Belissa in: H-Net Reviews
  • Panthéon de la Guerre
    Levitch, Mark: Panthéon de la Guerre (2006)
    Review Martha Hanna in: H-Net Reviews
  • Hurricane Katrina and the redefinition of landscape
    Miller, Demond Shondell; Rivera, Jason David: Hurricane Katrina and the redefinition of landscape (2008)
    Review Craig Colten in: H-Net Reviews
  • The specter of Salem. remembering the witch trials in nineteenth-century America
    Adams, Gretchen A.: The specter of Salem. remembering the witch trials in nineteenth-century America (2008)
    Review Kelly A. Ryan in: H-Net Reviews
  • Walther-Rathenau-Gesamtausgabe. 1914 - 1922
    Rathenau, Walther: Walther-Rathenau-Gesamtausgabe. 1914 - 1922 (2006)
    Review Clifton Ganyard in: H-Net Reviews
  • Ordnungen in der Krise. zur politischen Kulturgeschichte Deutschlands 1900 - 1933 ; [Tagung "Politische Kulturgeschichte Deutschlands 1900 - 1936", Humboldt-Universität Berlin, 23. - 25. November 2004]
    Hardtwig, Wolfgang (Hrsg.): Ordnungen in der Krise. zur politischen Kulturgeschichte Deutschlands 1900 - 1933 ; [Tagung "Politische Kulturgeschichte Deutschlands 1900 - 1936", Humboldt-Universität Berlin, 23. - 25. November 2004] (2007)
    Review Erik Tängerstad in: H-Net Reviews
  • How Jewish is Jewish history?
    Rosman, Moshe: How Jewish is Jewish history? (2007)
    Review Steven Bowman in: H-Net Reviews
  • Coping with the Nazi past. West German debates on Nazism and generational conflict, 1955-1975
    Steinweis, Alan E.; Gassert, Philipp (Hrsg.): Coping with the Nazi past. West German debates on Nazism and generational conflict, 1955-1975 (2007)
    Review Ben Gook in: H-Net Reviews
  • Coping with the Nazi past. West German debates on Nazism and generational conflict, 1955-1975
    Steinweis, Alan E.; Gassert, Philipp (Hrsg.): Coping with the Nazi past. West German debates on Nazism and generational conflict, 1955-1975 (2007)
    Review Ben Gook in: H-Net Reviews
  • Views from abroad - die DDR aus britischer Perspektive
    Barker, Peter (Hrsg.): Views from abroad - die DDR aus britischer Perspektive (2007)
    Review Patrick Salmon in: H-Net Reviews
  • Confederate phoenix. rebel children and their families in South Carolina
    Drago, Edmund L.: Confederate phoenix. rebel children and their families in South Carolina (2008)
    Review Caroline Cox in: H-Net Reviews
  • Freedom. Land and labor, 1865
    Hahn, Steven (Hrsg.): Freedom. Land and labor, 1865 (2008)
    Review Michael Fitzgerald in: H-Net Reviews
  • The anti-journalist. Karl Kraus and Jewish self-fashioning in fin-de-siÜŁecle Europe
    Reitter, Paul: The anti-journalist. Karl Kraus and Jewish self-fashioning in fin-de-siÜŁecle Europe (2008)
    Review Alison Rose in: H-Net Reviews
  • Constructing authorship in the work of Günter Grass
    Braun, Rebecca: Constructing authorship in the work of Günter Grass (2008)
    Review David Clarke in: H-Net Reviews
  • Cultural exchange in early modern Europe. Correspondence and cultural exchange in Europe, 1400 - 1700
    Bethencourt, Francisco; Muchembled, Robert (Hrsg.): Cultural exchange in early modern Europe. Correspondence and cultural exchange in Europe, 1400 - 1700 (2007)
    Review Milton Kooistra in: H-Net Reviews
  • Douglas Haig and the First World War
    Harris, J. P.: Douglas Haig and the First World War (2008)
    Review Antoine Capet in: H-Net Reviews
Page 646 (29005 Results)
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