Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • A Christian pilgrim in medieval Iraq. Riccoldo da Montecroce's encounter with Islam
    George-Tvrtković, Rita: A Christian pilgrim in medieval Iraq. Riccoldo da Montecroce's encounter with Islam (2012)
    Review Stefan Schröder in: sehepunkte
  • Nuns' literacies in Medieval Europe: the Hull dialogue
    Blanton, Virginia (Hrsg.): Nuns' literacies in Medieval Europe: the Hull dialogue (2013)
    Review Cordelia Heß in: sehepunkte
  • Noms barbares. Formes et contextes d'une practique magique
    Tardieu, Michel (Hrsg.): Noms barbares. Formes et contextes d'une practique magique (2013)
    Review Ennio Sanzi in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Unity and discontinuity. architectural relations between the Southern and Northern Low Countries 1530 - 1700
    De Jonge, Krista; Ottenheym, Konrad A. (Hrsg.): Unity and discontinuity. architectural relations between the Southern and Northern Low Countries 1530 - 1700 (2007)
    Review Alain Salamagne in: Histara - les comptes rendus
  • The classics in the medieval and renaissance classroom. the role of ancient texts in the arts curriculum as revealed by surviving manuscripts and early printed books
    Ruys, Juanita Feros (Hrsg.): The classics in the medieval and renaissance classroom. the role of ancient texts in the arts curriculum as revealed by surviving manuscripts and early printed books (2013)
    Review Jelena Todorović in: The Medieval Review
  • Poetics of wonder. testimonies of the New Christian miracles in the late antique Latin world
    Nie, Giselle: Poetics of wonder. testimonies of the New Christian miracles in the late antique Latin world (2012)
    Review Lisa Bitel in: The Medieval Review
  • The poetics of patronage. poetry as self-advancement in Gianantonio Campano
    Beer, Susanna: The poetics of patronage. poetry as self-advancement in Gianantonio Campano (2013)
    Review Hélène Casanova-Robin in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Des symboles et des anges. Hugues de Saint-Victor et le réveil dionysien du XIIe siècle
    Poirel, Dominique: Des symboles et des anges. Hugues de Saint-Victor et le réveil dionysien du XIIe siècle (2013)
    Review Julian Führer in: sehepunkte
  • Orthodoxy and controversy in twelfth-century religious discourse. Peter Lombard's Sentences and the development of theology
    Monagle, Clare: Orthodoxy and controversy in twelfth-century religious discourse. Peter Lombard's Sentences and the development of theology (2013)
    Review John Cotts in: sehepunkte
  • Potestas populi. participation populaire et action collective dans les villes de l'Afrique romaine tardive (vers 300 - 430 apr. J.-C)
    Magalhães de Oliveira, Júlio César: Potestas populi. participation populaire et action collective dans les villes de l'Afrique romaine tardive (vers 300 - 430 apr. J.-C) (2012)
    Review Anna Dolganov in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • The lexical effects of Anglo-Scandinavian linguistic contact on Old English
    Pons-Sanz, Sara M.: The lexical effects of Anglo-Scandinavian linguistic contact on Old English (2013)
    Review Roberta Frank in: The Medieval Review
  • Scraped, stroked and bound. materially engaged readings of medieval manuscripts
    Wilcox, Jonathan; Barrett, Timothy (Hrsg.): Scraped, stroked and bound. materially engaged readings of medieval manuscripts (2013)
    Review Tjamke Snijders in: The Medieval Review
  • Mosaics of time. A @historical introduction to the chronicle genre from its origins to the High Middle Ages
    Burgess, Richard W; Kulikowski, Michael (Hrsg.): Mosaics of time. A @historical introduction to the chronicle genre from its origins to the High Middle Ages (2013)
    Review Scott G. Bruce in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • La dîme, l'église et la société féodale
    Lauwers, Michel: La dîme, l'église et la société féodale (2012)
    Review Michael Bardot in: sehepunkte
  • Cultures of religious reading in the late Middle Ages. instructing the soul, feeding the spirit, and awakening the passion
    Corbellini, Sabrina: Cultures of religious reading in the late Middle Ages. instructing the soul, feeding the spirit, and awakening the passion (2013)
    Review Virginia Blanton in: sehepunkte
  • Food supply, demand and trade. aspects of the economic relationship between town and countryside (Middle Ages - 19th century)
    Cruyningen, Piet; Thoen, Erik (Hrsg.): Food supply, demand and trade. aspects of the economic relationship between town and countryside (Middle Ages - 19th century) (2012)
    Review James Davis in: Reviews in History
  • The presence of medieval English literature. studies at the interface of history, author, and text in a selection of Middle English literary landmarks
    Fletcher, Alan J.: The presence of medieval English literature. studies at the interface of history, author, and text in a selection of Middle English literary landmarks (2012)
    Review Sarah Harlan-Haughey in: The Medieval Review
  • Medieval life cycles
    Cochelin, Isabelle (Hrsg.): Medieval life cycles (2013)
    Review Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski in: The Medieval Review
  • On lamentations
    Winterbottom, Michael (Hrsg.): On lamentations (2013)
    Review Thomas O'Loughlin in: The Medieval Review
  • Cultures of religious reading in the late Middle Ages. instructing the soul, feeding the spirit, and awakening the passion
    Corbellini, Sabrina: Cultures of religious reading in the late Middle Ages. instructing the soul, feeding the spirit, and awakening the passion (2013)
    Review Isabel Davis in: The Medieval Review
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