Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • A new work by Apuleius. the lost third book of the 'De Platone'
    Stover, Justin A. (Hrsg.): A new work by Apuleius. the lost third book of the 'De Platone' (2016)
    Review Christopher P. Jones in: sehepunkte
  • Bishops in the political community of England, 1213-1272. peacemakers and partisans
    Ambler, Sophie Thérèse: Bishops in the political community of England, 1213-1272. peacemakers and partisans (2017)
    Review Robert Swanson in: Reviews in History
  • Better active than radioactive!. anti-nuclear protest in 1970s France and West Germany
    Tompkins, Andrew S.: Better active than radioactive!. anti-nuclear protest in 1970s France and West Germany (2016)
    Review Sinead McEneaney in: Reviews in History
  • All the facts. a history of information in the United States since 1870
    Cortada, James W.: All the facts. a history of information in the United States since 1870 (2016)
    Review Haupert, Michael in: EH.Net Book Reviews
  • British banking. continuity and change from 1694 to the present
    Michie, Ranald C.: British banking. continuity and change from 1694 to the present (2016)
    Review Murphy, Anne L. in: EH.Net Book Reviews
  • Renaissance suppliants. poetry, antiquity, reconciliation
    Whittington, Leah: Renaissance suppliants. poetry, antiquity, reconciliation (2016)
    Review Asa Olson in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Horace's Epodes. contexts, intertexts and reception
    Bather, Philippa; Stocks, Claire (Hrsg.): Horace's Epodes. contexts, intertexts and reception (2016)
    Review Amy Norgard in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • The Odyssey (Oxford World's Classics Hardback Collection)
    Homer: The Odyssey (Oxford World's Classics Hardback Collection) (2016)
    Review Bill Beck in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • C. Svetoni Tranqvilli De vita Caesarvm libros VIII
    Suetonius Tranquillus, Gaius: C. Svetoni Tranqvilli De vita Caesarvm libros VIII (2016)
    Review Franz Dolveck in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Moving Romans. migration to Rome in the principate
    Tacoma, Laurens Ernst: Moving Romans. migration to Rome in the principate (2016)
    Review Anthony Álvarez Melero in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Ammianus' Julian. narrative and genre in the res gestae
    Ross, Alan J.: Ammianus' Julian. narrative and genre in the res gestae (2016)
    Review Joachim Szidat in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Tragedy on the comic stage
    Farmer, Matthew C.: Tragedy on the comic stage (2017)
    Review Kenneth S. Rothwell, Jr. in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Composing the world. harmony in the Medieval Platonic cosmos
    Hicks, Andrew J.: Composing the world. harmony in the Medieval Platonic cosmos (2017)
    Review Antonio Donato in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Approaching the Roman Revolution. Papers on Republican History
    Syme, Ronald: Approaching the Roman Revolution. Papers on Republican History (2016)
    Review Christopher Mallan in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Rethinking the Scottish revolution. covenanted Scotland, 1637-1651
    Stewart, Laura A. M.: Rethinking the Scottish revolution. covenanted Scotland, 1637-1651 (2016)
    Review Paul Goatman in: sehepunkte
  • Europe. a literary history, 1348-1418
    Wallace, David (Hrsg.): Europe. a literary history, 1348-1418 (2016)
    Review Ralf Lützelschwab in: sehepunkte
  • The text and the world. the Henryków book, its authors, and their region, 1160-1310
    Górecki, Piotr: The text and the world. the Henryków book, its authors, and their region, 1160-1310 (2015)
    Review Winfried Irgang in: sehepunkte
  • Thomas Aquinas's Summa contra gentiles. a guide and commentary
    Davies, Brian: Thomas Aquinas's Summa contra gentiles. a guide and commentary (2016)
    Review Andreas Speer in: sehepunkte
  • Approaching the Roman Revolution. Papers on Republican History
    Syme, Ronald: Approaching the Roman Revolution. Papers on Republican History (2016)
    Review Uwe Walter in: sehepunkte
  • Collectors, scholars, and forgers in the Ancient world. object lessons
    Higbie, Carolyn: Collectors, scholars, and forgers in the Ancient world. object lessons (2017)
    Review Andreas Hartmann in: sehepunkte
Page 27 (1651 Results)