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Prof. Dr. Neil Gregor

Department of History

Universitaet Southampton

Research and projects

Current position(s)

Professor of Modern European History

Current project(s)

West German musical cultures


Monographs (and dissertation)

Gregor, Neil, Haunted City. Nuremberg and the Nazi Past (New Haven, 2008)
Gregor, Neil, Daimler-Benz in the Third Reich (New Haven, 1998)


‘Big Business and the Blitzkriegswirtschaft: Daimler-Benz AG and the Mobilisation of the German War Economy, 1939-1942’ in: Contemporary European History 6,2 (1997) 193-208.
‘A Schicksalsgemeinschaft? Allied Bombing, Civilian Morale, and Social Dissolution in Nuremberg, 1942-1945’ in: Historical Journal 43,4 (2000), 1051-1070.
‘The Illusion of Remembrance: The Karl Diehl Affair and the Memory of Nazism in Nuremberg’, in: Journal of Modern History 75,3 (2003), 590-633.
‘“Is He Alive, or Long Since Dead?” Loss, Absence and Remembrance in Nuremberg, 1945-1956’ in: German History 21,2 (2003), 183-203.
“Nazism – A Political Religion?: Rethinking the Voluntarist Turn”, in N. Gregor (ed), Nazism, War and Genocide (Exeter: Exeter University Press, 2005), 1-21.
“Politics, Culture, Political Culture: Recent Work on the Third Reich and its aftermath” in: Journal of Modern History 78,3 (2006), 643-683.
‘Hitler’, in Steven Casey and Jonathan Wright (eds), Mental Maps of the Era of Two World Wars (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2008), 177-202.
‚Erinnerungen an die Bombardierung Nürnbergs zwischen Trauer und städtischer Identitätspolitik’, in Jörg Arnold, Dietmar Süß and Malte Thiessen (eds), Der Luftkrieg im Europäischen Gedächtnis (forthcoming, 2009)

Edited volumes

Gregor, Neil (ed), Nazism. A Reader (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000)
Gregor, Neil (ed), Nazism, War and Genocide. Essays in Honour of Jeremy Noakes (Exeter: Exeter University Press, 2005; 2nd Edn. 2008)
Gregor, Neil, Nils Roemer, Mark Roseman (eds), German History from the Margins(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2006)

Areas of research

Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Subject - Topic