Native American Documents Project


Schwartz, E.A.

The site provides materials about Native Americans history in the 19th century basically made for undergraduate studies. "There are three sets of data at this site: Indexed Published Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and the Board of Indian Commissioners for 1871, and two appendices to the board's report. ... There are ten tables of quantitative data, with explanatory material, about the results of allotment, in the Allotment Data collection. (Allotment was the process that allowed most of the land base left to Indian people by the latter 19th century to pass into other hands.) This collection also includes the full texts of four significant acts of Congress. There are 111 indexed documents, and additional unindexed documents, in the Rogue River War and Siletz Reservation collection, most from the 19th century, with explanatory material and a map."
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California State University at San Marcos: San Marcos, US (CA) <>



United States

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Published on
Thomas Meyer
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