Holocaust-Era Assets: Records and Research at the National Archives and Records Administration

Provided by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) this site offers information on both primary and secondary sources related to the history of assets stolen from Jews and other dispossessed peoples by the Nazi regime and its allies. The primary offering in the first category is an online version of the NARA's recent 1,200-page final edition of its A Finding Aid to Records at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland. The guide is offered in HTML format in six very large sections, along with an introduction and search tips. Other primary source resources include a list of recently declassified documents and their locations and a list of newly-accessioned records. Secondary source information includes a collection of annotated bibliographies and related links. The site also offers publications and information concerning recent and ongoing research at the NARA, including symposium and conference papers, very recent unpublished research papers, and a list of upcoming events. (Copyright Internet Scout Project, 1994-1999. http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/)
Hosting / Distributor

National Archives and Records Administration: Washington, US (DC) <http://www.nara.gov/>



United States

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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