Utopia: The Search for the Ideal Society in the Western World

This is the complementary website for the Utopia exhibition at the New York Public Library which ran from October 14 to January 27, 2001. "The exhibition is arranged chronologically. Sources, Other Worlds, and Utopia in History explore utopian thinking from its earliest sources in Antiquity and the Bible through the end of the nineteenth century. Dreams and Nightmares considers utopias and dystopias of the twentieth century. In addition, a look at how the Internet is expanding the notion of utopia may be found in Metaworlds on this website." Furthermore, a resources section provides related links (often with image and accompanying text) and bibliographies.
Hosting / Distributor

The New York Public Library: New York, US (NY) <http://www.nypl.org/>



United States

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Published on
Thomas Meyer
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