Scottish Scotland's Written Legacy

Created and maintained by the Scottish Archive Network, or SCAN, Scottish Documents: Scotland's Written Legacy" offers a unique glimpse of the past through scanned copies of documents contained within the Scottish National Archives. Included in selection posted by SCAN are more than 300,000 names of deceased Scots linking to more than two million scan images of wills and death certificates. Covering a span of nearly four hundred years (1500-1875), the Scottish Documents collection is a treasure trove for genealogists and historians alike, rich in facts about how Scots lived, where and what they did for a living. Registers are often so detailed that they even disclose what people wore and how they furnished their dwellings! Searchable alphabetically and in fifty year date ranges, the database is highly accessible. Beyond the above, the Scottish Documents site goes the extra mile, helping users to understand and interpret the documents with which they come into contact. Thus, it offers a handwriting guide and a lexicon of terms appearing in wills, such as weights and measures, monetary units and occupations. A fun, informative sidelight, the site also showcases some of Scotland's favorite sons with a drop-down menu of famous names and the stories behind them." (Copyright Internet Scout Project, 1994-2003.
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Thomas Meyer
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