Centre for East German Studies (CEGS) [University of Reading]

"The Centre for East German Studies (CEGS) was founded in 1994 with the intention of capitalising on the Department of German Studies' existing strengths in an area where the majority of staff are engaged in research and teaching. The Centre's activities are aimed at providing an academic focal-point within the United Kingdom for research into the literature, culture, society, and history of this area from 1945 to the present. In addition to building up a collection of relevant resource material, current projects include organising specialist conferences, publications accompanying these conferences, setting up an archive of GDR-related material, establishing a programme of visiting writers and supporting postgraduate research in East German Studies."
Hosting / Distributor

University of Reading: Reading, UK <http://www.rdg.ac.uk/>




United Kingdom

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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