Association RICHIE : accueil


[Koordination] Rücker, Katrin / Warlouzet, Laurent

"The RICHIE (Réseau International de jeunes Chercheurs en Histoire de l'Intgration Europenne/International Research Network of Young Historians of European Integration) network aims to foster contacts between young researchers in European history. It is run by a team of young PhD students and academic. [...] As a result of the development of European integration and the enlargement of the European Union, many research centres in Europe and beyond have been created and propose new approaches to describe the historical background to this process. This great variety of new studies based on recently opened archives is undoubtedly stimulating, but it has also become more and more difficult to find one's way amidst an ever increasing literature in many languages. Whereas many research networks dealing with European Studies already exist in Political Science, Law and Economics, historians seem to have less opportunities to share information, confront their opinions and to get new perspectives on current research. That is why we believe that an international research network is essential."

English, French, Italian



Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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