School of History, Classics and Archaeology [University of Edinburgh]

Contained in
"The School of History, Classics and Archaeology was created in 2002 from the former departments (now Subject Areas) of History, Economic and Social History, Scottish History, Classics and Archaeology (joined 2007) along with the Centre for the Study of the Two World Wars and the Scottish Centre for Diaspora Studies. The School of History, Classics and Archaeology at Edinburgh is one of the largest in the United Kingdom. The then School of History gained a five rating in the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise, reflecting its internationally respected quality and standing. The School offers a diverse and energetic research culture, covering many periods, areas, themes and approaches. The School unites the subjects of History, Economic and Social History, Scottish History, Classics and Archaeology and retains the traditional strengths of these areas, while developing new synergies and inter-disciplinarity. It combines a growing and dynamic group of young lecturers and postgraduates with a tradition of excellence dating back to the late 19th century. Members of the School have been elected to a range of learned societies, including the British Academy, and the Royal Society of Edinburgh. They have been active in the work of these bodies, and in that of other professional and funding organisations, including the AHRC, the Classical Association, the Royal Historical Society and the Historical Association. Many members of the School have strong public roles in promoting their discipline: these range from work on government committees through to media consultancy. The scholarship of School members has been recognised through a wide range of external funding, awards and prizes. The School lays great emphasis on the importance of postgraduates as part of its wider research community. It has established a range of new taught masters programmes, and has developed the resources on offer for graduate study. A new postgraduate centre was opened in 2005 in th
Hosting / Distributor

University of Edinburgh: Edinburgn, UK <>




United Kingdom

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Published on
Thomas Meyer
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