Department of Economic History [University of Stockholm]

"At the department, we teach and research in economic history and international relations. The discipline of economic history is broad as can be evidenced in the reasearch areas at the department. Current research at the deparment include areas such as labor market changes, sex trade, effects of globalization, urban history, consumption history, children's role in the economic system, and also economic and social development from the middle ages to present times. Fundamental to us is the study of structural and institutional changes over time where power and distribution at different levels is central (household, local, national and global). The courses offered provide a broad choronological overview of how the society and economy (international and in Sweden) has undergone changes from the middle ages to present day. The courses in international relations examine the economic and historical conditions that have given rise to current international system and issues - such as effects of globalization, international conflicts, security, peace and cooperation - both at the regional European level and at the global level."
Hosting / Distributor

University of Stockholm: Stockholm, SE <>


English, Swedish



Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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