Department of History [University of Auburn]

"The Department of History is proud of a heritage that goes back more than one hundred years to the "New Auburn" of the 1880s. Borrowing from the German seminar tradition, George Petrie invigorated the study of history at Auburn, focusing it on rational inquiry, research using primary documents, intense intellectual discourse, and a collective, collaborative approach to instruction. As we move ahead in the twenty-first century we have extended the standards and goals that Petrie set for the department to encompass a more global approach to our discipline, while still striving for excellence in scholarship, teaching, service, and outreach. Those who come along with us on this intellectual journey will not be disappointed. Our majors can choose among a rich diversity of fields, including American history, European history, world history, women and minorities, technology, public history, and archival studies."
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United States

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Thomas Meyer
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