Science and Technology Studies [Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)]

"Join a mix of faculty and students that Newsweek calls "intellectually exhilarating. " At Rensselaer, students engage with professors using diverse scholarly methods to work on real world problems. We are anthropologists, philosophers, political scientists, sociologists, psychologists, and historians. Some of us rely on fieldwork for our research, others are immersed in developing social theory, still others use the classroom itself as a laboratory. Some faculty and students were first trained in the natural sciences or engineering. Others got started in journalism, the social sciences, or the arts. Today, we all work in the broad, interdisciplinary field of STS to understand and influence how society shapes science and technology, and how in turn science and technology shape society and the environment. One of the first universities to offer BS, MS and PhD degrees in STS, Rensselaer is a national leader in developing STS curricula and our graduates are spreading the word at universities and organizations around the world."
Hosting / Distributor

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI): Troy, US <>




United States

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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