History Department [University of Wisconsin-La Crosse]

"The mission of the UW-L Department of History is to provide leadership in history education and scholarship. We provide our students with a solid foundation in the critical thinking and analytical skills necessary for interpreting documents and historical research. We develop historical understanding and global perspective through courses in the University’s General Education program and a balanced world history curriculum, strengthened by faculty specialties in a wide range of time periods, cultures, geographical areas, and thematic approaches. Our public history program develops analytical and interpretive skills through a curriculum focusing on material culture studies, oral history, cultural resource management, and community studies. Our programs prepare students for opportunities in fields such as teacher education, editing, archives and museum studies, as well as for careers in law and government. Finally, we also serve the community by sharing our expertise when issues of historical importance engage the public’s interest." Courses are for example: "1. Global Origins of the Modern World This course explores the origins and development of the modern world, focusing on the dual dynamics of globalization and vital indigenous civilizations. The course will critically examine a minimum of three world civilizations, their ancient antecedents, and will include multiple themes, such as technology and science, religion, gender, war and peace, and the environment. 2. Global Transition and Change This course examines world history from the perspective of one specific theme, such as technology and science, religion, gender, cross-culture connections, war and peace, arts and literature, government, or the environment. The course is global in scope, covering a minimum of three world civilizations. Individual sections will trace the development of one theme over the course of major changes in world history, ancient origins to the present. Students will
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University of Wisconsin-La Crosse: La Crosse, US <http://www.uwlax.edu/>




United States

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Thomas Meyer
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