Environmental Studies [University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh]

"Students considering becoming an ES major or minor should become familiar with what the UWO ES program is – and is not. All interdisciplinary programs, from African American Studies to Women’s Studies, draw from various disciplines, which makes the design of interdisciplinary programs more complex than a traditional discipline such as Biology or Political Science. The design of environmental programs is made more complex because it includes the natural sciences as well as the social sciences and humanities, and it can be tied to a pre-professional program such as natural resource management. The result is that there is probably more variety in environmental programs than in any other academic program. Each type of program has its own basic philosophy and goal, and its strengths and limitations. There are two primary aspects to the UWO ES program: it is an interdisciplinary liberal arts program, and it is a flexible, complementary program that challenges students." They also teach in the fields of environmental history, environment and techology, such as technical development and environment.
Hosting / Distributor

University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh: Oshkosh, US <http://www.uwosh.edu/>




United States

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Published on
Thomas Meyer
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