Program of Historic Preservation [University of Maryland]

"Historic preservation is wide-ranging, spanning the public, private and nonprofit sectors. Its essential nature is multidisciplinary, requiring cooperation across many fields, architecture, the humanities, social sciences, the building trades, law, economics and art history. Within this environment, the historic preservationist is chartered to care for material culture represented by landscapes and monuments, as well as architecture in both its high styles and vernacular forms. To be effective, a historic preservationist must be able to work within a broad framework. The foundation of this effort is a clear understanding of the project area's history. Knowledge of history, however, must be supported by an understanding of contributing disciplines and, importantly, tempered by sensitivity to the social needs of the local community, which owns the material remnants and memories of that history..."
Hosting / Distributor

University of Maryland: College Park, US <>




United States

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Published on
Thomas Meyer
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