Historic Pensacola's Museum of Industry

"Built in 1884 for the Pensacola Ice Company, the "Hispanic Building" was a long narrow brick structure with six arches facing Zaragoza Street. Earlier structures at this site served as British and Spanish barracks, a boarding house and, in the 1830's the home of the West Florida Academy. The present building has housed the New Orleans Grocery Company, the Levy-Hallmark Company and the Pensacola-Lurton Company, which leased it to the county for a surplus warehouse. It was acquired by the city in 1968 and is now an integral part of the Historic Pensacola Village."
Hosting / Distributor

Historic Pensacola Village: Pensacola, US <http://www.historicpensacola.org/>




United States

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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